Author Archives: koernerm

Dr. Nancy Nenno and Dr. Morgan Koerner present at Annual German Studies Association Conference

This weekend, two CofC German professors presented on the research at the Annual German Studies Association Conference in Arlington, VA.

Dr. Nancy Nenno presented on her work at the GSA Seminar “Political Activism in the Black European Diaspora: From Theory to Praxis.” Her paper explores the role that public memorials play in the political activism of Black Germans and Austrians by juxtaposing the establishment and role in public discourse of memorials to Black individuals.

Dr. Morgan Koerner gave a presentation on the prolific German theater author and director René Pollesch and his theater’s complicated relationship to digital culture, in a paper entitled “‘Macht es für euch selbst!’ Participatory Culture and Performative Process in René Pollesch’s Theater.”

“The Aryans” and Lowcountry German Day

It was a busy weekend for the German and Russian Studies Program at CofC!

On Friday night at 6pm, Afro-German filmmaker Mo Asumang visited campus for a screening of her film Die Arier (The Aryans) at the Wilcox Auditorium of the Charleston Museum. A large audience came and the film and post-film discussion with the director were  inspiring. Special thanks to Dr. Nancy Nenno, who invited Ms. Asumang and organized the event!

Then, on Saturday morning at 10am, 30 high school students of German from four local high schools descended on campus for the first annual “Lowcountry German Day,” hosted by Dr. Morgan Koerner. Students from Wando, West Ashley, Summerville, and Ashley Ridge High Schools received a German lesson on Berlin and Bamberg, witnessed a panel discussion on study abroad by three German majors, and took a tour of the campus. Special thanks to local High School teachers Kelli Akers (West Ashley), Ramona Montjoy (Ashley Ridge), Kelsey Cater (Summerville), and Stephanie Mignone (Wando), as well as German Majors Matthew Orvin, Therese Spaseff, and Kevin Tully!

Local High School Students on campus for Lowcountry German Day!

Local High School Students on campus for Lowcountry German Day!

Dr. Nenno introduces Mo Asumang before the screening of "The Aryans"

Dr. Nenno introduces Mo Asumang before the screening of “The Aryans”


Dr. Irina Erman, our new assistant professor of Russian and director of the Russian Studies program, was profiled in an interview with the College Today about her Vampires course (LTRS 250) this fall, which counts towards the Gen Ed requirement, the Women’s and Gender Studies major/minor, and the Russian Studies minor. Welcome to Charleston, Dr. Erman!

Interview with a Vampire Expert