Author Archives: koernerm

2nd CofC German-American Business Summit, February 8th, 11:30am-5pm, Stern Center

This Thursday, February 8th, the German Program, School of Business, and Career Center at the College of Charleston will host the 2nd German-American Business Summit in the Stern Center Ballroom. The summit will consist of a job and internship fair with 15 German companies from 11:30am-1:45pm, a keynote presentation by the CIO of Americas SAP, and a panel discussion on innovation in German-American Industry. For more information, see the summit website or listen to Dr. Morgan Koerner’s interview about the summit on ETV Radio’s South Carolina Business Review. To register, contact John King,

Dr. Nancy Nenno presents research on Black Austrians and Civic Identity at German Studies Association Conference

This weekend, Dr. Nancy Nenno will be presenting on her most recent research at the annual conference of the German Studies Asociation in San Diego. Her presentation, entitled “Black Austrians and Civic Identity: Charles Ofoedu and Operation Spring,” is part of the GSA Seminar “Making Democratic Subjectivities II: Margins, Centers, Intersection.”

Busy Weekend for CofC German and Russian Faculty

This weekend was a busy one for German and Russian Faculty at CofC. Dr. Nancy Nenno presented her research at the annual conference of the Philological Association of the Carolinas in Charlotte in a talk entitled “Angelo Soliman: Exemplum of Austrian Multiculturalism, Today and Yesterday.”

Meanwhile, back at CofC, the German program hosted the annual workshop of the South Carolina chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German (SCAATG). 26 German teachers attended the conference and the final presenter was our very own Stephen Della Lana, who gave an excellent presentation on his German Contemporary Issues class entitled “Incorporating current events in the classroom.” Many thanks to everyone, especially to LCWA board member Bill Semmes, who helped sponsor the SCAATG meeting!

The SCAATG workshop also happened to be during Accepted Students Day at CofC, where our faculty and students were also involved:  Dr. Irina Erman gave a lecture on her Vampires course at noon and German and Russian Studies students Todd Middleton and Tyler Owens manned the German and Russian Studies table at TD arena from 10-1, while Dr. Koerner ran back and forth between Accepted Students events and the SCAATG workshop!

Russian Studies Professor Irina Erman presents research at Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Conference

This weekend, Dr. Irina Erman, program director and assistant professor of Russian Studies at CofC, is presenting her research in Philadelphia at the annual conference of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies.

On Thursday she served as a respondent on a panel entitled “Writing Crime and Literary Theft,” and today she gives a talk on her most recent scholarly work:  “Nation and Vampiric Narration in Aleksey Tolstoy’s ‘The Family of the Vourdalak’.”

5 German and Russian faculty Present at MIFLC Conference in Charleston this Weekend

This weekend, five faculty members from the Department of German and Russian Studies at the College of Charleston will present at the annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, held this year at the Marriott on Lockwood in Charleston! Here are there times, locations, and titles:

Thursday, October 15,

Opal 2:  3:10 “Epic Literature: The Beginning and the End” –Oksana Ingle, College of Charleston

Friday, October 16.

In the Emerald 3 space:

9:40 “A Contemporary Reading of Kafka’s Fear of his Father in Brief an den Vater” — Michaela Ruppert-Smith, College of Charleston

10:10 “Erinnerungswunden und Trauer bei Gino Chiellino” –Thomas Baginski, College of Charleston

10:40 “‘Like a Stone in a Rushing River’: Charles Ofoedo’s Account of the Austrian Spring 1999” –Nancy Nenno, College of Charleston

In the Emerald 2  space:

12:30 “’Not Merely Words’: A Course in German-English Business Translation” Stephen Della Lana, College of Charleston