Author Archives: koernerm

Chloe Goff, International Studies and German Studies double major, interns in international development aid in Munich

Chloe Goff ’25, German and International Studies double major, is interning this summer in international developmental aid in Munich. She is working for Menschen für Menschen in München, a Munich-based NGO that provides developmental assistance in Ethiopia. There are about 25 people in the Munich office and 600 on the ground in Ethiopia. Chloe has been working on social media marketing for the organization.

Chloe received her placement via CofC’s longstanding Cultural Vistas Summer Internship Program in Germany program, now in its 20th year! As part of the program, students take a 4-week intensive German language course in Berlin and are then placed in a two-month internship in their field, regardless of major or area. The Program’s director Stephen Della Lana conducts site visits of the interns in June and just visited with Chloe today.

German Studies and International Studies major Chloe Goff ’25 (right) and Cultural Vistas CofC Summer Internship Program Director Stephen Della Lana (left) catch up and check in about her internship over dinner in Munich.

Mankiewicz Coatings provides Study Abroad Award to support CofC German Studies Majors interning in Germany

Many thanks to CofC’s friends at Mankiewicz Coatings LLC, who donated a 2023 Study Abroad Award to support a German Studies major interning in Germany this summer. This year’s award recipient, Supply Chain Management and German Studies double major Shane Love ’25, will be headed to Berlin CofC’s Cultural Vistas Summer Internship Program to Germany this coming weekend, where he will be spending the month of May in an intensive language course at the Carl Duisberg Centrum Berlin and then interning in Supply Chain at Kronos Packaging Berlin in June and July. Today, Shane and German and Russian Studies Chair Dr. Koerner visited the Mankiewicz Coatings Plant on Daniel Island to thank them for their support and catch up with CofC German Studies major and Mankiewicz intern Julia Hancock ’25, who is loving her internship at the company!

Thank you Mankiewicz Coatings Team for supporting study abroad in Germany and mentoring our students and providing them with practical work experience at a fabulous German company here in Charleston!

From left to right: Mankiewicz Coatings LLC Managing Director Fabian Grimm, German Studies major and Mankiewicz intern Julia Hancock, Mankiewicz Coatings Study Abroad Award recipient Shane Love, HR director Amber Paugh, and Dr. Morgan Koerner

Dr. Nancy Nenno and Dr. Sarah Koellner present at the annual German Studies Association Conference

This weekend CofC’s German Studies Program is well represented at the annual conference of the German Studies Association  in Houston, Texas!

Assistant Professor of German Studies Dr. Sarah Koellner is presenting on a panel today on “Zeh in the Age of the Pandemic,” with a paper entitled: “Retrotopia and the (Lost) Future of Privacy in Juli Zeh’s Corpus Delicti

Professor of German Studies Dr. Nancy Nenno is presenting this afternoon on the topic ““Can the Subaltern Speak?” Speech, Representation, and Embodiment in Marcus Schleizner’s film Angelo (2018)” at panel on “The Austrian Literary and Cinematic Present beyond the Canon.”

Darby Watford, Psychology and German major, interns in Orthopedics and Sports practice in Berlin

German and Psychology double major Darby Watford, one of this year’s recipients of the Eady Scholarship for Study Abroad, is currently interning in Berlin as part of CofC’s Cultural Vistas Summer Internship to Germany program.

“I have loved my time in Germany! Being fully immersed in the German culture has allowed me to practice my German language skills with native speakers and has helped me improve immensely as a student and a person. As an intern at Dr. Thorsten Dolla’s orthopedic/sports medicine practice in Berlin, I have been able to dive into the field of orthopedics and healthcare in Germany.”

Marine Biology and German Studies major Ali Isaacs ’23 receives Gilman Scholarship

Congratulations to German Studies and Marine Biology double major Ali Isaacs ’23, who received a nationally competitive Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad in Germany this summer. Ali took an intensive language course at the Carl-Duisburg Institute in Berlin in May and is interning at Geomar in Kiel, Northern Germany, where she is studying the effects of ocean plastic wastes on sea sponges.

German and Exercise Science major Baker Garland ’22 receives CBYX Fellowship to Germany for 2022-23

Congratulations to Baker Garland ’22, CofC German and Exercise Science double major, who just received the prestigious Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX) Fellowship to Germany for next year! As part of the program, she will receive two months of intensive German training starting in August, attend a semester of classes in Exercise Science at University, and then complete a 5 month internship in her field! This August, she will be joining a select list of CofC German majors who have been accepted over the years, along with Senior Instructor of German and 1989-90 Fellow Stephen Della Lana, pictured with Baker below


Dr. Irina Erman receives inaugural Levin Prize for her article “Nation and Vampiric Narration”

Congratulations to Russian Studies Program director Dr. Irina Erman, whose article “Nation and Vampiric Narration in Aleksey Tolstoy’s “The Family of the Vourdalak” from January 2020 received the inaugural Levin Prize for best article in The Russian Review. Dr. Erman went on the SRB Podcast recently to discuss the article and her work. Check out the podcast here:




German and Business Administration Major Taylor Kerr ’22 receives German Language and Culture Foundation Study Abroad Award

Congratulations to German and Business Administration double major Taylor Kerr ’22, who has received a scholarship from the German Language and Culture Foundation (GLCF) in Charlotte to participate in this summer’s virtual iteration of CofC’s Cultural Vistas Internship to Germany Program. The GLCF supports the learning of German at schools and universities in the Charlotte area, with the goal of encouraging students to combine German proficiency with workforce skills in order to provide career opportunities with the over 200 US subsidiaries from German speaking countries in the Charlotte region.

This summer, Taylor participated in a one month intensive virtual German language course at the Carl Duisburg Centrum and is now in the middle of a two month internship with the Fields Institute in Berlin. The Fields Institute is  a sustainability and corporate responsibility company that focuses on creating initiatives to educate their community about sustainability issues. In her role, Taylor has been focused on  a social media survey project with questions relating to potential future outcomes of people’s daily lives. Specifically, She has been working on researching and writing the questions, writing summaries for the privacy policies for various social media platforms, creating a timeline and project plan for the project overall, posting the questions on social media, and then analyzing and interpreting the responses. The goal of the project is to examine the imagined future of people in different societal developments in order to gain insight into possible futures and share those with the community.

Taylor, a native of Charlotte, NC,  is grateful for the support and enthusiastic about the program and her work: “This has been a really amazing experience so far, as it is my first time working with a German company. I meet with my direct supervisor every morning and then once a week with the entire team to brainstorm ideas and talk about the next steps, all in German! I am so grateful to the GLCF for helping make this immersive cultural and work experience possible for me this summer!”

Taylor Kerr (upper right corner) meeting with her team at the Fields Institute in Berlin.

Dr. Irina Erman co-organizes and presents at virtual and free “Funny Dostoevsky” conference on May 13th and 14th

Feeling like you need a good, meaningful laugh at the end of the most taxing academic year ever? If so, you’re in luck: on May 13th and 14th, CofC’s Russian Studies Program Director Dr. Irina Erman is co-organizing and co-hosting an academic conference on “Funny Dostoevsky,” held virtually at Dartmouth University. You can register for the conference here and it is free:

Dr. Erman will also present on her own work at the conference on Saturday at 1:45pm EST: ““Shooting Blanks: Laughter, Misfire, and Performance in Crime and Punishment”  The abstract of her presentation is below:

 The ancient Greeks compared laughter to a dagger. As arsenals evolved, theorists of laughter came to foreground its explosive potentiality. This paper focuses on the figure of the explosive and ridiculous Lt. Gunpowder in Crime and Punishment. An insecure petty tyrant, Lt. Gunpowder functions as Raskolnikov’s comic double and plays an outsize role in Raskolnikov’s failure as an “extraordinary” criminal. I trace Lt. Gunpowder’s emergence from the vaudeville and read him as the nexus for Dostoevsky’s theorization of the interrelations between laughter, violence, and performance.