CofC’s Dr. Sarah Koellner participates in Notre Dame’s “Literaturbetrieb” Seminar in Berlin

Since June 16th, Dr. Koellner has the opportunity to discuss the contemporary artistic landscape in Germany with key players from the “Literaturbetrieb” as a fellow of the Notre Dame Berlin Seminar. Part of the incredible experience were seminars with the Georg-Büchner-Preis winner Therézia Mora, Suhrkamp’s chief editor Thomas Sparr and film director Volker Schlöndorff (just to name a few). During a short trip to the Literaturinstitut in Leipzig, she was able to meet with one of our students, Denicee Becker, who is participating at the same time in the seminar “Mit Deutsch in die Zukunft” organized by the American Association of Teachers of German.

Dr. Sarah Koellner and Educationa and German major Denicee Becker ’20 in Leipzig

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