Prof. Beres Rogers discussed her work on George Crabbe’s treatment of gender and intellectual disability. She will be presenting her thoughts at an international conference in late October. Prof. Julia Eichelberger elaborated on her research into Eudora Welty’s correspondence. Prof.…
Professor Susan Farrell Publishes New Book on American War Literature
What does 9/11 have to do with World War I? What connects Delillo to Hemingway? Is there a tradition of war-writing in America? Just released from Camden House Press is Susan Farrell’s new book, Imagining Home: American War Fiction from Hemingway to…
Eportfolio Tutorial
In the first half of the Spring ’17 semester Christina, Angelica, and Aracelia enrolled in the first eportfolio tutorial offered in the English Department. (Note: If you would like to know more about eportfolios, Kathleen Blake Yancey has contributed a short article…
What Are You Going To Do with That?
English majors are often asked that unavoidable question: what are you going to do with that major? Sigh. The answer, of course, is lots. And there is no shortage of positive press about the strong return on investment offered by English…
Serious Summer Scholars
This past summer, four English students received competitive Summer Undergraduate Research with Faculty (SURF) grants from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities. These grants–which allow students to dedicate their summer months to full-time, dedicated, independent research–function as crucial…