Each discipline–be it English or engineering, classics or chemistry, business or biology–reflects a distinct sub-culture. Professors build their professional lives around these disciplinary cultures, and students, sometimes without knowing it, easily follow suit. And this isn’t necessarily a bad thing: it’s important to identify…
English Major Wants to Change the Game
The College of Charleston Magazine‘s Amanda Kerr recently profiled one of our own–Senior English major, gamer, feminist, activist, and researcher extraordinaire, Shannon Haas. Kerr’s piece introduces her reader to Haas’s unique research project that began in an Introduction to English Studies…
English Alumni Scholarship Recipients Give Thanks
It can be hard to remember how much even a little bit of scholarship support can help sustain a college student both practically and in more profound ways. The English department has made a strong effort over the past years…
English Goes to the Archives
Guest Post by Chris Warnick, Allyson Plessner, and Ayre Wilson In ENGL 466: Seminar in Writing, Rhetoric, and Language, students examined the history of English studies at the College of Charleston. Although students learned about and conducted extensive archival research,…
Professors Drager & Craig Take Us Somewhere New
We are so pleased to welcome our new faculty Dr. Jacob Craig and Dr. Lindsey Drager. With their arrival, students will have new ways of thinking about what it means to be a writer in the most expansive way possible. Drager,…
Faculty Notes (2016)
John Bruns In March/April of 2016, John Bruns attended the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) conference in Atlanta and presented a paper entitled, “Showtime! Under the Spell of Tony Curtis in Sweet Smell of Success.” The paper was developed into a book…
English Major Cathy Keaton Featured in The College Today
The College Today published a feature on English major Cathy Keaton and her success pursuing a degree as a nontraditional student. Senior Citizen Pursues Lifelong Goal to Earn Degree
Happy Birthday, John Keats!
We all know that October 31st is Halloween, but did you know it was also John Keats’s birthday? In English 350, Keats, we celebrated both in style by having cupcakes and reading the decidedly macabre Isabella, or the Pot of…