________________________ The CofC Film Club is hosting their annual Student Film Festival on Saturday, April 14, 4-7 p.m. ECTR 118. Join us for a screening of student-made shorts. Prizes will be given to the top three films!
Recap: Faces of Frankenstein Panel Event
If you missed the event last week, don’t worry: we’ve got it covered. After plates of cookies and chicken biscuits, and scenes from various Frankenstein films throughout the years projected over-head, panelists across many different disciplines discussed the influence and impact of…
Find Your Voice: Emily Anderson Publishes Academic Article
Emily Anderson, a double major in English and Psychology at the College of Charleston, has joined the ranks of published scholars. Emily’s short article on Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon appears in the February, 2018 edition of the journal, The…
Find Your Voice: McKayla Conahan
Welcome to Find Your Voice, a series profiling English students and the stories they have to tell. _________________________________________ As the former Editor-in-Chief at College of Charleston’s National Literary and Arts Journal Miscellany, and current Design Assistant for Cistern Yard News, Senior McKayla Conahan has always…
Student Opportunities: Submissions for Annual Student Film Festival

…and, action! Are you a filmmaker or do you aspire to be one? The Film Club is seeking student-made films for the Annual Student Film Festival, which will take place Saturday, April 14. Submissions are due March 23, so it’s time to start shooting!…
Papa Hemingway in Cuba Film Screening

The Film Club, as part of the campus-wide Cuba Project, is screening Papa Hemingway in Cuba this Thursday at 7 p.m. in Lightsey B08. Professor Susan Farrell will be introducing the film and saying a few words about Hemingway and his time in Cuba. In the…
Sequel: Evan Berke

Welcome to Sequel, a series spotlighting our talented alumni and the strides they’ve made in their field post-graduation. __________________________________________ Everyone loves a good story: not just the kind you study in fiction courses, like Evan Berke did, but the ones…
Student Opportunities: Summer Study Abroad in Ireland

attention English Majors and Minors! Study abroad in Ireland this summer and earn course credit. We will spend the month of June in Ireland: 3 weeks at DCU’s St. Patrick’s campus and one week traveling around the country, where we’ll…