Congratulations to Dr. Myra Seaman, editor of the scholarly journal postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies published by Palgrave Macmillan, which garnered the 2011 PROSE Award (sponsored by the Association of American Publishers) for “Best New Journal in Social…
Charleston’s Post and Courier on Bret Lott’s forthcoming DEAD LOW TIDE
Too eager to wait for the official release of Bret Lott’s forthcoming Dead Low Tide (Random House), the Post and Courier‘s Bill Thompson sets the stage for the forthcoming novel–a long-awaited sequel to Lott’s The Hunt Club (1999)–and collects some of…
The English Department celebrates the publication of yet another faculty title to be released this semester: Susan Farrell’s Critical Companion to Tim O’Brien, a comprehensive guide to the life and work of an author whose place in the canon of…
Tomorrow Night: Better Late Notice Than Never
Immigration Nation: How We Got Here, Part I Immigration in Literature Open any daily newspaper and you’ll read about immigration. But the written word on this divisive topic spans the centuries – and varies in its interpretation. Join College of…
Alumnus Wins Fellowship
Alex Lumans (’06) has received a fellowship to attend the prestigious MacDowell Colony this fall, where Alex will be working on a novel. Alex will spend seven weeks at the colony, the oldest artists’ colony in the United States, whose…
Creative Writing Graduate Signs Two-novel Contract
Ryan Graudin, a Creative Writing concentrator and English Major who graduated from the College in 2009, has just signed a two book contract with HarperTeen, the young adult imprint of HarperCollins. Her first novel, Luminance Hour, will appear in the…
Tupelo’s Poetry Book Award goes to Alumna
Congratulations to Gale Thompson (’08) whose first poetry collection “Soldier On” was selected for publication out of Tupelo Press’s Open Reading Period. The judge Nate Pritts cites “Soldier On” for “the strong grasp of narrative moments, used with complexity &…
SURF student helps professor complete book of Welty letters
This summer Crystal Frost and Julia Eichelberger worked together on a book manuscript Dr. Eichelberger will be publishing next year. Below, the two researchers describe their project. JE: I’ve been working for a couple of years on letters Eudora Welty…