On March 10, 2014, the South Carolina House of Representatives voted in favor of a budget that cuts $52,000 from the College of Charleston’s appropriations, as punishment for the College’s adoption of Alison Bechdel’s memoir Fun Home. The College of…
Dr. Conseula Francis Publishes Critical Study on James Baldwin
Congratulations to Dr. Conseula Francis on the publication of The Critical Reception of James Baldwin, 1963-2010. Baldwin, an openly gay, African-American writer who lived through the battle for civil rights, was a novelist, essayist, playwright, and poet as well as a…
Feature on Jon Sealy’s novel The Whiskey Baron
How to Write a Novel: Wake Early, Embrace Rejection, Keep Your Day Job Posted on CofC News | 20 March 2014 | 9:00 am http://news.cofc.edu/2014/03/20/how-to-write-novel/ Here’s how the dream goes: Aspiring novelist goes to college, takes writing and literature courses.…
Statement on Academic Freedom & Inclusivity
On March 10, 2014, the South Carolina House of Representatives voted in favor of a budget that cuts $52,000 from the College of Charleston’s appropriations, as punishment for the College’s adoption of Alison Bechdel’s memoir Fun Home. The College of…
River Currents: 2014 Sigma Tau Delta Conference
This year, the conference for Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, was held in beautiful Savannah, Georgia. The College of Charleston represented well, with 4 papers accepted and 2 panels chaired by our students. Abe Arrillaga first read…
Ryan Graudin ’09 Launches Young Adult Book with Major Publisher
First published on Dec. 13, 2013 by Christine Ragusa on the HSS blog. Since graduating from the Honors College in 2009, Ryan Graudin has been putting the skills she learned as an English major to use. Her love for books…
Crazyhorse Contributor Reprinted in Best American Poetry 2014
The editors of Crazyhorse literary journal are pleased to announce that Amaud Jamaul Johnson’s poem “LA Police Chief Daryl Gates Dead at 83” was selected by Terrance Hayes for Best American Poetry 2014! Johnson’s poem was first published in Crazyhorse…
Recitation & Performance: Poetry Out Loud
The Poetry Out Loud competition returns to the College of Charleston on Sunday, January 26 at 1:30 PM in the Stern Center Ballroom. High school students from eleven local schools will participate by reciting and performing poems from memory as…