FALL 2014 Thursday, September 4 @ 7:00 PM: Fiction Reading by Margaret Bradham Thornton (Alumni Memorial Hall, Randolph Hall) Reception and book signing to follow. Crazyhorse Reading Series Thursday, September 18 @ 7:00 PM: Poetry Reading by Kevin Simmonds (Towell…
Raena Shirali (’12) Shortlisted as a Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship Finalist
Big congratulations to alumna Raena Shirali who was named a Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship finalist. The Fellowship ($25,800) is the premier award for emerging poets given by Poetry Foundation and the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Memorial Foundation. The competition for the…
Anthony Varallo’s Book Named a Finalist in Fiction Prize
Anthony Varallo’s newest short story collection Think of Me and I’ll Know (TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern University Press, 2013) was named a finalist for the 2014 Balcones Fiction Prize.
From Page to Screen: Professors’ Short Stories Become Short Films
We all know that art can inspire more art, but what happens when art is translated from one medium to another? Professors Bret Lott and Tony Varallo will find out this June when their short stories will make a big…
English Students Honored
Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the English Department’s awards for academic excellence: Humanities and Social Sciences Scholars Phoebe Doty David Hester Outstanding Students Abenamar Arrillaga Katherine Butler Audrey Donald Oliver Hix Tammy Matthews Zack Mills Emily Wise Anna Katona…
Crazyhorse Short Story Wins Pushcart Prize
The editors at Crazyhorse are esctactic to announce that Michael Kardos’s story, “Animals” from Crazyhorse 83 was selected for reprint in the Pushcart Prize anthology. The Pushcart anthology represents the best of small press and literary journal publishing. Kardos’s story…
Alumna Wins Poem Contest
Congratulations once again to Raena Shirali (’12) who won the 2014 Gulf Coast Prize in Poetry for her poem “Engagement Party, Georgia”! The prize includes $1500 and publication in Gulf Coast literary journal.
Dr. Warnick’s Teaching Honored by College-wide Award
Congratulations to Dr. Chris Warnick for receiving the College’s 2014 Distinguished Teaching Award! The award recognizes excellence in a professor’s career of teaching. This is the eighth time since this award’s inception in 1977 that an English professor has earned…