It’s just around the corner: a new semester complete with new courses and a whole new round of research papers, essays, summaries, reports, stories, and poems to write. Luckily, students can take advantage of the Writing Lab in the Center…
Literacy in Composition Studies 3.2 Released
Literacy in Composition Studies, an open-acesss journal co-edited by Chris Warnick (with editorial assistance provided by CofC M.A. student Colleen Etman), recently released a bonus summer issue featuring the following articles: In “Composing Agency: Theorizing the Readiness Potentials of Literacy Practices,” Clay…
And They’re Off!: Students Accepted into MFA Creative Writing Programs
Congratulations to the following English alumni who will continue writing as graduate students in an MFA Creative Writing Program in the Fall: Owen Hardy (’15) was accepted into the MFA Program for fiction at Queen’s College/Charlotte. Lauren Krouse (’13) will…
Sailing the Arctic Circle
Congratulations to CofC alum and English major/CW concentrator Alexander Lumans, who recently received an Arctic Circle Residency for his creative writing. The competitive—and highly unusual—residency offers writers an opportunity to pursue their work while sailing aboard a three-masted tall ship…
Valerie Keller, Hannah Evans Earn Phi Kappa Phi Awards
Senior English Major Valerie Keller received this year’s Phi Kappa Phi award for the outstanding essay or creative work for her story “Tell Me Anything,” mentored by Prof. Anthony Varallo. Senior English Major Hannah Evans received Honorable Mention for her…
Working with Words: Kailey Milks and Hub City Press
Graduating English major and Creative Writing Concentrator Kailey Milks has landed an extraordinary internship at Hub City Books in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Hub City is the award-winning non-profit independent press known across the country as a home for well-crafted, high-quality…
The Art of Book-Making
Students in Prof. Rosko’s ENGL 402: Advanced Poetry capstone not only studied the practicalities and theories behind the sequencing of poems in a book, but they also had the opportunity to make a poetry chapbook of their own. Brien Beidler,…
Profs. Seaman and Vander Zee Receive ExCEL Awards
Congratulations to Professor Myra Seaman and Assistant Professor Anton Vander Zee, both of whom were honored on March 25 with ExCEL Awards, honoring their commitment to creating a campus environment that promotes diversity and excellence. Prof. Seaman received the Outstanding…