The University of Iowa Press has just released A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line, coedited and introduced by Emily Rosko and Anton Vander Zee. A Broken Thing collects nearly 70 original microessays by a diverse range of poets including Charles Bernstein, Annie Finch,…
SURF Grant Leads to Conference Presentation
Lauren Swing, who graduated with a double-major in English and Political Science in May, and I presented a paper entitled “Lippard, Buntline, and the Problem of Female Agency in the ‘Male Novel’” at the American Literature Assocaition conference in Boston…
Emily Rosko wins 2011 Akron Poetry Prize
Emily Rosko’s second collection, Prop Rockery, was selected by Natasha Sajé as the winner of the 2011 Akron Poetry prize out of a pool of over 400 manuscripts. The collection will be published by The University of Akron Press in February…
Just Out: New Issue of postmedieval
The second 2011 issue of postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies, co-edited by Prof. Myra Seaman, has been published. The topic of this issue is “The Medievalism of Nostalgia,” and it includes 6 articles on modern (18th-21st century) nostalgia…
New Issue of Illuminations Released
The new issue of Illuminations: An International Magazine of Contemporary Writing is now available. This issue marks a change of editorship for the magazine, which has been edited by Professor Simon Lewis since 1985 and supported by the College of…