Hot Off the Presses: Alumnae Publish First Poems

The finely wrought poetic lines of graduates in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing have debuted recently in national literary journals in print and on the web.

Alexandra Daley (’12) published two poems: “Knowing” in Emerge Literary Journal and “Silence” in The Oklahoma Review.

Morgan O’Grady (’12), currently an MFA graduate student in poetry at West Virginia University, published “Elegy to R.M.O., Not Yet Dead” in the Susquehanna Review.

Raena Shirali (’12), currently an MFA graduate student in poetry at the Ohio State University, published six poems: “The State Para-Military Force Speaks” in the Boston Review; “the waves receded in december” in Fogged Clarity: An Arts Review; “Looking Through a Telescope at the Moon on the Day Neil Armstrong Died” in Four Way Review; and “Prodigy,” “the woods,” and “I hate to break it, body” in The Boiler: A Journal of New Literature.

Raena Shirali also published a poetry book review, “Catherine Pierce. The Girls of Peculiar. Saturnalia Books 2012″ in Pleiades: A Journal of New Writing (& Reviews) 33.2.

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