English Day 2013

The 20th annual English Day celebration was held on April 12, with twenty-six English majors participating. Students presented scholarly papers from their Bachelor’s Essays, Independent Studies, and advanced literature courses alongside students who read creative works from their Creative Writing capstones. See list of presenters below.

Student awards also were presented. Congratulations to our English student award winners:

English Department’s HSS Scholars
(Awarded to the two top students from each major within the School of Humanities and Social Sciences)

Rachel Davis
Cara Beth Heath

Anna B. Katona Award in American Literature
(Awarded to the student with a combination of highest number of American literature courses and highest G.P.A. in those courses)

Alex Keith

Transfer Student Academic Achievement Award
(Awarded to the transfer student with the highest G.P.A. in the major)

Jeri-Lynn Aquino

English Department’s 2012-2013 Outstanding Students
(Awarded to our most outstanding English majors who haven’t already been named HSS Scholars. All of these students had a 3.9 or better G.P.A. in the major)

Shaina Anderson
Jeri-Lynn Aquino
Colleen Etman
Jacob Graudin
Lauren Krouse
Louisa Steele
Rebecca Turner
Kaitlyn Welden
Flannery Winchester

Departmental Honors in English
(Awarded to students who have earned at least 12 hours in any combination of independent study, seminar, and Bachelor’s Essay and who have at least a 3.5 G.P.A. in all major coursework)

Chris Cimorelli
Colleen Etman
Jacob Graudin
Zachary Hyde
Morgan Milolajczyk
Hannah Starke
Flannery Winchester

Congratulations as well to students inducted into Sigma Tau Delta, the National English Honor Society:

Alexander Andrade
Abenemar Arrilaga
Jeri-Lynn Aquino
Phoebe Doty
Colleen V. Etman
David L. Hester
Oliver Hix
Zachary Hyde
Eliza Lewis
Ashley Maggio
Zach P. Mills
Nicole Palazzo
Gage Saylor
Hannah Starke

English Day Student Presenters:

  • Lauren Taylor, “Viking Lord and Middle Earth King: Tolkien’s Aragorn and the Old Norse Hero”
  • Ian Mueller, “Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Darwin, and the Role of Liberal Humanism in Modern Scientific Thought”
  • Katelyn Bridges, Poetry from Two-Talk
  • Victor Imko, “‘Homosexual Panic’ in Turn of the Century Gothic Literature”
  • Chris Cimorelli, “Finding the Crossroads Between Fiction and Poetry in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
  • Derek Collord, “Changing Public Opinion: Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man
  • Victoria Boneberg, “Keats and Sound: The Mastery of Language in the Ode, ‘To Autumn'”
  • Stephanie Sacchetta, “Recognizing Happiness in Reality: The Relationship between John Keats’s and Countee Cullen’s Poetry”
  • Sarah Goad, “Reflections of Societal Pressures on Women in the Mid-Twentieth Century: Adrienne Rich & Sylvia Plath”
  • Robert Swanson, Creative Non-Fiction, “Red”
  • Andrew Williams, “Liminal Spaces and the In-between: Mobilizing a Queer Resistance within Romantic Literature
  • Nikki Palazzo, “The Teacup Ride: Who Is Hallucinating in “Circe”?”
  • Jasmine Simmons, Fiction, “Keith”
  • Zac Hyde, “Bilbo Baggins, the Humble Hero”
  • Gage Saylor, “Potted Meat and James Joyce’s Ulysses
  • Jeri-Lynn Aquino, Creative Non-Fiction, “America Stretches Her Leg and Says Good-bye”
  • Colleen Etman, “Happily Ever After”
  • Hannah Starke, “Togas and Tights: How the Epic Hero has Evolved into Today’s Superhero”
  • Melinda Caines, Poetry, “Geared On” and “Within Multitudes Exalted”
  • Flannery Winchester, “Creating Space: Depictions of Gender in Fantasy Literature”
  • Cara Beth Heath, Fiction, “Fences”
  • Jacob Graudin, “The Hero and Selflessness in The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Tower
  • Morgan Mikolajczyk, “The Discourse of Madness: A Liberating Phenomenon”
  • Rebecca Turner, “Reality through Dysfunction: Gollum, Voldemort, and the Role of Psychological Disorders in Fiction”
  • Lauren Krouse, “Preparing a Funeral for a Tea Kettle: The Myth of Madness and Creativity”
  • Maddie Thieringer, Poetry
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