The English Major Mash Up- In case you missed it…

If you happened to miss all of the social media blasts because you don’t follow @EnglishCofc on Twitter or Instagram or if you just couldn’t come to the English Major Mash Up, I’ve got you covered.

First of all, a special thanks to the Student Advisory Group for organizing the event and especially to Judith Arendall, Stella Roundsfeld, and Elizabeth Quarles for hosting.

The turnout was amazing; Arnold Hall was packed to the brim! English faculty and students delivered quick blurbs about all of the opportunities offered in the department, and the breadth of news was impressive. We heard about: Literati; Film Club; The Rival; Sigma Tau Delta; study abroad; internships; the Writing, Rhetoric, and Publication concentration and minor; and the Southern Studies minor!

Student Organizations

The student run organizations were the most interesting to me. Cistern Yard Media, located on the second floor of Stern, has been at The College since 1988. Cistern Yard has many different platforms, including News, P.R., Sales, Radio, Music, and Video, though it is only for undergraduate students. Follow them at @CisternYard.

Are you interested in the process of filmmaking? Dan Colella, President of Film club, represented the Film Club’s revival. A feature of his presentation was Film Club’s screenwriting competition. The winner will have their film produced by the school and it will be shown at the Spring Student Film Festival! If you are interested in joining Film Club, they have meetings every Wednesday at Stern Center, room 206. With the revitalization of Film Club, came the rebirth of Literati.

The recent rejuvenation of Literati has also brought a welcome attention to all forms of art (music, film, writing, etc.). It is The College’s official English Club! And it’s not just a book club, I promise. If you’re interested email them at: or follow them @CofcLiterati.

And finally, there is The Rival! (follow them @therivalcofc). The College’s newest source of commentary and satire-based journalism. Also, spooky story submissions with be accepted this month! It’s brand new, so don’t miss it!

Sigma Tau Delta is an English honors program. If you have 12 credit hours in English and have at least a 3.3gpa, then you are qualified! It is a great way to get involved at, not only a local level, but on a national level through your publications! As a student, it’s a great way to take the next step in your writing career. Email Prof. Lindsey Drager with any questions:

Study Abroad and Internships

This is an exciting time for The English Department. Not only with the amazing student organizations, but also with the diversity in internships, research, and study aboard! For internships and research based question, contact Cathy Holmes ( or Myra Seamen ( There was a ton of information about study abroad opportunities: two of which are in Italy.

A semester long program, directed by Dr. Farrell and Dr. Kelly, travels to Florence, Italy, where students will learn about the culture of food and literature. Who doesn’t want that?

The Department is also sponsoring a summer trip to Spoleto, Italy, run by Dr. Rosko, where students will stay in a 15th century villa. They will participate in a range of activities like, cooking class, wine tastings, and trips to Florence and the Umbrian Regions.

With all of these opportunities and experiences, what better place to be, as an English major, than at The College?

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