Too eager to wait for the official release of Bret Lott’s forthcoming Dead Low Tide (Random House), the Post and Courier‘s Bill Thompson sets the stage for the forthcoming novel–a long-awaited sequel to Lott’s The Hunt Club (1999)–and collects some of Lott’s thoughts on life, writing, and reading. Thompson also revisits a low-country education scandal of sorts that saw Lott’s previous book nearly banned locally. Such censorship, as any good English Professor knows, is the mark of many lasting works of literature, and, moreover, such books rarely disappoint. We’re looking forward to the sequel! From Thompson’s write-up:
Some fictional characters slip under the skin of their creators and take up permanent residence.
No matter how many other books an author writes, or how many richly detailed new characters emerge from his imagination, the ones from that old book keep insinuating themselves into the writer’s thoughts, pleasantly or otherwise. And the only way to scratch that itch is by giving in.
With “Dead Low Tide” (Random House, Jan. 17), a sequel to his 1997 novel, “The Hunt Club,” Charleston area novelist and short story writer Bret Lott is delighted to be gallivanting again with Huger Dillard and his father, “Unc.” The gents who enlivened “Hunt” now find themselves up against an array of clandestine military forces and terrorist sleeper cells, not to mention embroiled with old chums, longtime neighbors and lost loves.