Interested in studying abroad? Interested in film? Interested in studying film abroad?
Announcing an opportunity to take a Film Studies course for credit in Spoleto, Italy, May 17-June 20, 2015! As part of the College of Charleston’s Summer Study Abroad Program, students will visit Spoleto, Italy, Charleston’s sister city, to write and to study literature, to watch and study important contributions to the art of cinema, as well as to meet with artists and writers living there, inspiring them to continue their education with an even greater sense of the importance of art, writing, and cinema. Students and faculty will be stay at a villa compound located just outside of Spoleto, where they will share meals, hold readings, attend screenings, and spend quiet time writing and reading. The film course offered in Spoleto ’15 is ENGL 390: Studies in Film (“Global City Cinema”), taught by Dr. John Bruns, and it will count toward the FMST minor (and meet the requirement of the 3rd curricular cluster, “World Cinema/World Culture”).
For more information, click here.
Also, feel free to contact either Dr. John Bruns, or Bret Lott, who is Director of the Spoleto Summer Study Abroad Program.