The Student Film Club meets tonight, September 30
The Student Film Club will meet tonight at 7PM, in the Beatty Center Rm 216. We will be watching the Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece, Vertigo (1958). The film is part of the semester-long series of films, “Dreams and the Cinema.” Tonight’s film, which is based on a short story entitled “D’ entres les morts” by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac, is about a retired detective named Scottie Ferguson (Jimmy Stewart) who is hired by an old college friend to shadow his increasingly estranged wife, Madeleine (Kim Novak), who he claims goes through her days in a dream-like trance–as if possessed by a woman from the past. As Scottie tries to unravel the mystery of Madeleine, he falls madly in love with her. Truly one of the most haunting love stories ever told. And because it’s the Master of Suspense, you know you’re in for one incredibly emotional ride.
For more information, contact the Student Film Club president, Matt Paul