The Student Film Club meets for the final time this semester, Wednesday, December 9, in Septima Clark Auditorium (ECTR 118)

Can you believe the semester is over? Yes, the Student Film Club will meet and screen its final film for this semester’s film series,”Bildunsfilm” or “Coming of Age” films: Louis Malle’s 1987 film Au revoir les enfants. This critically acclaimed film (nomiated for Best Foreign Film Oscar and Golden Globe) tells the moving story of a Catholic boarding school in the French countryside during World War II. When a young Jewish boy named Jean (Raphael Fejtö) arrives, in order to be hidden from the Nazis, he is first treated by Julien (Gaspard Manesse) as a rival. But the two soon form a strong bond. But fate will intervene in this friendship. Join us for this beautiful, if sad and moving, film at 7:00pm in ECTR 118. Thank you to all who supported and participated in the Student Film Club this semester. Thanks, especially, goes to Jessica Steele, the Student Film Club President, for organizing this terrific film series.

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