ENGL 390.01: Studies in Film (Irish Cinema)** or *** Prof. Glenn Summer I Session Study Abroad in Dublin |
HIST 210.04: Terror in the Aisles (The Horror Film and 20th c. American History)*** Prof. Poole Maymester – MTWTF 8:30-12:00 MYBK 304 |
LTRS 270: Studies in Russian Film** Gomer Maymester – MTWTF 8:30-12:00 MYBK 206 |
PHIL 185: Philosophy & Film*** Prof. Baker Maymester – MTWTF 8:30-12:00 MYBK 206 |
RELS 280: Religion & Film*** Doire Maymester – MTWTF 8:30-12:00 JSC 237 |
*meets the requirement for Cluster 1: Core Curriculum
**meets the requirement for Cluster 2: World Cinema/World Cultures
***meets the requirement for Cluster 3: Specialized Topics in Film & Other Media