Welcome–and welcome back!

It’s a brand new academic year–and an odd one for that. With a combination of asynchronous and synchronous online courses and, in time, hybrid face-to-face/online courses, this semester is presenting and will continue to present significant challenges. As we move forward in the semester, the Film Studies program, in collaboration with the Student Film Club (now under new leadership!), will make concerted efforts to ensure that this is a lively and engaging semester. So stay tuned for news regarding upcoming (virtual) events!

We would like to welcome back our returning Film Studies minors. It’ll be a great joy to see you again (virtually for now)! And we would also like to extend a special welcome to our new Film Studies minors. Hello!! As soon as it is absolutely safe to do so, the Film Studies program will be thrilled to host an open House (which is what we typically do in the Fall term) so that we can all be together. In the meantime, let’s stay safe and make the most of the semester.

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