What can you do with a Film Studies minor? Ask Thomas Horton ’14!
While the Film Studies Program has had a lot of success stories in the past, we think Thomas Horton has a compelling story to tell–one that says a lot about what you can do with a FMST minor!
After graduating in 2014, Thomas enrolled in the Film Production Masters Program at the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. He says that while the program focused exclusively on production, his Film Studies minor gave him an advantage over his fellow MFA students “who had never learned to think or write critically about film.” After graduating with his MFA, he chose to stay in Los Angeles and break into the industry. While he knew that getting somewhere was not going to be easy, he had faith not only in his newly-earned MFA, but in the skills supplemented by his Film Studies minor which carried over so well into his graduate studies. Sure enough, he got a job as a Casting and Talent Assistant at CBS Television in Studio City, California. “Now, working in casting in Los Angeles,” Thomas says, “I regularly draw on the critical thinking I developed at CofC to discuss casting and character choices.”
Read his interview here!