Spring 2018 courses
Here is a tentative list of courses being offered this Spring 2018 that count for FMST credit. Check back frequently for updates.
ENGL 212-01: Cinema: History & Criticism* Prof. Glenn M W 2-3:15 RSS 235 |
ENGL 390-01: Special Topics in Film*** Iconic Heroines in Novels and Film Prof. Tim Carens T R 12:15-1:30 Maybank 300 |
LTIT 270: Introduction to Italian Cinema** Prof. De Luca T R 1:40- 2:55 LCTR B08 |
RUSS 390: Russian Cinema in the Original** Prof. Gomer T R 1:40-2:55 MYBK 222 |
LTAR 270: Studies in Arab Cinema** Prof. Davidson MWF 1- 1:50 BELL 312 |
THTR 350-02. Screenwriting*** Prof. Rogers T R 12:15- 1:30 SCFA 221 |
THTR 488. Writing for Stage & Screen*** Prof. Rogers T R 9:25- 10:40 SCFA 221 Pre-req: Playwriting or Screenwriting |
*meets the requirement for Cluster 1: Core Curriculum
**meets the requirement for Cluster 2: World Cinema/World Cultures
***meets the requirement for Cluster 3: Specialized Topics in Film & Other Media