Film Scholar Millicent Marcus (Yale University) to visit the College of Charleston
Dr. Millicent Marcus, who teaches Italian Cinema at Yale University, is the author of After Fellini: Italian Cinema in the Postmodern Age (Johns Hopkins U. Press, 2002) and Italian Film in the Shadow of Auschwitz (University of Toronto Press, 2007). She teaches courses on Italian Cinema, and representations of the Holocaust on film. Dr. Marcus will be giving two talks. The first, “The Restless Priest and the Reluctant Pope: Nanni Moretti’s Journey from La messa è finita to Habemus papam” will be at 6:00pm on March 11 in the School of Science and Math Building Auditorium, Room 129. The second, “Italian Cinema and Holocaust Memory,” will be at 7:00pm on March 12 in the Jewish Studies Center. The talk will be preceded by a screening, beginning at 5:00pm, of Ettore Scola’s Concorrenza Sleale (2001). The film tells the story of two rivaling tailors set during one of the darker moments in Italian history. Be sure to join us in welcoming Dr. Marcus!