The Society for Cinema and Media Studies Undergraduate Conference is seeking submissions
The 3rd Annual SCMS Undergraduate Conference will be held at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, April 24-25, 2015. The conference organizers now invite undergraduate students to propose papers representing their best work in cinema and media studies. At the conference, students will deliver papers on any aspect of cinema and media history, criticism, or theory. Each presenter will be assigned a 15-minute slot on the program, which corresponds to approximately 2,000-2,100 words when presented at a normal talking speed with a few visual aids.
The deadline for proposals is midnight EST on Friday, February 6, 2015. Completed proposal forms should be sent via email to ( with “SCMS-U 2015” in the subject line of the email.
For more information about submission guidelines, registration, and travel costs, click here.
Feel free to contact Dr. John Bruns, the Film Studies Program Director, or Dr. Colleen Glenn for more assistance.