The schedule of Spring 2015 Film Studies courses now available

This is the preliminary schedule for the Spring 2015 semester. Please check back frequently as new additions and changes are possible.

THTR 350: ST: Screenwriting ***
Franklin Ashley
MWF 11:00-11:50
SCFA 221
ENGL 390: Studies in Film (The Films of Alfred Hitchcock) ***
Dr. Bruns
TR 10:50-12:05
RSS 251
ENGL 390: Studies in Film (The Films of Alfred Hitchcock) ***
Dr. Bruns
TR 12:15-1:30
RSS 251
LTIT 270: Introduction to Italian Cinema **
Dr. DeLuca
W 2:00-3:15
COMM 380: Studies in Communication: Documentaries ***
Timothy Fennell
MW 5:30-6:45
ECTR 203
ENGL 212: Cinema: History & Criticism *
Dr. Glenn
TR 9:25-10:40
RSS 235
ENGL 212: Cinema: History & Criticism *
Dr. Glenn
TR 1:40-2:55
ECTR 118
COMM: Analysis of Comm Practice: Television Criticism ***
Dr. Lacroix
W 4:00-6:45
RSS 105
LTPO 270: Studies in Brazilian Film **
Dr. Moreira
MW 3:25-4:40
Long 336
COMM 336/WGST 320: Film and Social Critique ***
Dr. Moscowitz
MW 2:00-3:15, W 3:25-4:40


* denotes the course will count toward the 1st curricular cluster of the FMST minor

** denotes the course will count toward the 2nd curricular cluster of the FMST minor

*** denotes the course will count toward the 3rd curricular cluster of the FMST minor

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