Maymester 2014 Film Studies course offerings

Below are the course offerings in Film Studies for the Maymester 2014 term. Check back for updates and additions.

ARTH 290: ST: Film Noir/Neo Noir***
Dr. Frank Cossa
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
SCFA 309
CLAS 270: The Romans in Cinema**
Dr. Zeiner-Carmichael
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
ENGL 212: Cinema: History & Criticism*
Dr. John Bruns
MTWRF 8:30a -12:00p
RSS 251
HIST 219: Native Americans in Film**
Dr. Christophe Boucher
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
MYBK 303

This course, although not on the regular FMST curriculum, will count for credit.

HIST 261: ST: Drugs in Pop Culure & Film***
Dr. Timothy Carmichael
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
MYBK 317

This course, although not on the regular FMST curriculum, will count for credit.

HIST 210: ST: Monsters in America: Film and History in American Cinema***
Dr. Scott Poole
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
MYBK 302

This course, although not on the regular FMST curriculum, will count for credit.

LTIT 370: Studies in Italian Cinema**
Dr. Giovanna DeLuca
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
Location TBA
RELS: Religion and Film***
Louise Doire
MTWRF 8:30a – 12:00p
ECTR 219


* Core requirement for Film Studies minors
** Meets the requirement of Cluster 2 for Film Studies minors
*** Meets the requirement of Cluster 3 for Film Studies minors

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