The first time that I saw this painting was on Wednesday, at Rita 101, when I had the pleasure of hearing Ms.LaDuke speak about her cause to be a water protector. For those of you who did not make it to the talk, let me just sum up what she talked about. She discussed how this painting is a symbol of resilience and that it embraces the idea behind of standing up for a good cause. In her case it was the land of the indigenous people and how she stood up against a pipeline that was going to run through these lands, and how with the help of many people they were able to stop the pipeline from occurring. She also discussed the importance of growing your own food and how if we act now we can save our beloved planet. She was full of hope and I left that talk feeling inspired and hopeful too. There were many other important points that she discussed, but I want to focus on this painting.
I wanted to do more research on this painting and I forgot what the painting was called so I typed in google “water protector symbol of Laduke” and this painting that I had seen at the talk popped up. When I clicked on it, it gave me the option of clicking a link to go to an article. The article (link below) gave a more detail descriptions of the painting. This beautiful piece was painted by Votan Ik and Derek Brown helped, too. In addition, there are much symbols behinds the red mask that the woman is wearing to cover her nose and mouth. There are several meanings behind the mask such as it hides the identity of the woman and protects from tear gas and gives it “universal appeal as in every woman,”according to Maira Villard, the American Indian Community Housing Organization (AICHO) Arts and Cultural Coordinator.
Most importantly, it is painted on the outside of AICHO in Duluth,Minnesota. The article discussed that it“is a potent declaration of the issues facing Native American women such as violence, sex trafficking, and environmental racism” (Pember 2017). In our class, we focused several times on how woman in majority places were seen as the caring type or how we praises things such as “Mother Nature and Father Time.” What I am trying to say is that this painting represents not just one lady but women as a whole.
What I personally took from this painting was that the ladies head is at the center of the flower with all of the pretty red petal coming out of it or surrounding it. This could be seen as a symbol of connectives to nature, as in how it is the circle of life, and we are one with nature. Humans and the environment go hand in hand. We are not separate but united as one. The values that are ignored that it has more of an appeal to ladies than males because it is putting female as the center. On the other hand, it can also be the greatest strength of the painting because it could be saying that nothing would be possible without women. I think, the artist wanted to portray the lady in the painting looks like someone that needs to be taken seriously. She looks mysteriously but at the same time looks like someone who is being protective and standing and guarding something that is precious to her. I really liked this painting so much that I am saving it as my laptop background. So whenever I open my laptop, it will motivate me to be awesome. 🙂
The painting is this one below in the article.