Personal Change

Throughout this semester I have learned in many different ways how my lifestyle affects the Earth. Before this class, I thought I was a pretty environmentally aware person. I had stopped using plastic bags, straws, and face washes with micro-beads in high school. The first time I was shocked about the impacts I still had on the Earth was during the carbon footprint exercise. Although my “Earths” were lower than the average American, I was still embarrassed and surprised. The biggest impact I have was from my driving. About five times a week, I drive from James Island to Seabrook Island. I did not think much about carpooling with my friends. After the carbon footprint assignment, I made more of an effort to carpool with other people. At least a couple times a week, I carpool with some of my friends now. Although in a perfect world I would be able to carpool everyday to reduce emissions, carpooling some is better than nothing.

Another part of my carbon footprint that was not apart of the assignment is the carbon emissions produced by the food industry. Food that travels across the country or even the world produces lots of carbon emissions. Not only is buying locally better for the economy, but it is better for the environment. This is not the only way my thoughts about food have changed. Chicken nuggets used to be my favorite food, especially Tyson’s. After watching the food documentary, I walked into kitchen and threw away all the chicken nuggets I could find. I was so surprised and disgusted by that documentary. I think majority of the population just doesn’t know how bad our food industry has become for ourselves and the environment. I have also tried to move to more of a plant based diet especially after Professor Saunders’ partner gave us that speech. He proved that a good diet can have a lot more effects than I realized. After that equation that calculated how many protein I should be eating, I realized I was eating too much. Most of our calories should be coming from other types of food. Although I have not completely removed meat from my diet, I have become a lot more conscious about my decisions. I do intend of eventually becoming a vegetarian, and I am spreading awareness to my family and friends. Fortunately, most of my friends have already made this switch. I believe if I did the carbon footprint assignment again, it would be lower.

I also try to make other small changes like taking shorter showers, trying not to buy clothing with plastics, turning off lights and such when I can, etc. It is important to do everything possible because unfortunately, it is very hard to live in the United States without a carbon footprint, which is upsetting.  I figured if I am going to have to have a carbon footprint, I will try every day and every way I can to reduce it. Fortunately, I am moving downtown in August so I will no longer drive to class, which will further reduce my carbon footprint.

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