Media 2 (Extra Credit)

The advertisement I watched was for Coca Cola. Coca Cola is known for its cans that are many times seen as litter on the side of the road.  This is what this advertisement is about. Coke is trying to create sustainable efforts to limit these littering problems. The advertisement starts off with the vice-president of environment and sustainability for coke speaking on the efforts that are being put in place to encourage recycling. He talks about how packaging is very important and it can actually lead to the package becoming waste or not. He states that when people see the package, which could be coke or not, people relate the litter issue to the company. This causes a bad image for the company. He says that their company sees that packaging can be a positive thing. They feel this way because they are using the packages to promote recycling. You have probably seen the green leaf on water and other coke products. This is in hopes of promoting sustainable tactics to get rid of litter, which in return will create a better name for coke. Coke has partnered with the company Keep America Beautiful. Their role is to place bens in public places for recycling use. There is two main funding companies that help get these bens on peoples properties. They are also using bio-plastic bottles which are better for the environment. Their hopes is to create sustainable packaging. There is not that much text and subtext within this ad, it is more informative speech. The creator of this ad is coke industry, mainly the people who work with coke environment and sustainability. “Packaging plays an essential role for our business by meeting consumer needs for convenience and portability, as well as protecting and preserving our products throughout the supply chain. Coca-Cola has a goal to prevent waste over the life of our packaging, which means we are working to support initiatives that enable our used packaging to be recovered and reused.” Their goal is to inform people of their efforts and the change that is being brought forth. The values of this article to create a positive effects and efforts shown by a very powerful company. The brings forth a lifestyle of keeping our land beautiful with whatever techniques we can use. I do not see any points of views omitted. I see the point of view of getting everyone involved in sustainable acts, from the company to the consumer. It’s both parties responsibility to be sustainable. I think everyone will take this ad positively because its helping our world out. I do not see anyone taking this ad negatively. I really like the idea behind this ad and what the message is. I feel it is important that not only should the consumers be responsible for litter and waste, but the company putting in efforts as well. This is a very good image for the coke company. I think these efforts will really make a change we can see.


Alexis Waters-Peterson


Media (Extra Credit)

The video clip I found is advertising on the topic of ecological and sustainable living, and why we should make this change now. The text of this clip is informative messages the let the viewer understand why we should start living sustainable and some ecology studies on this life style we must put in place. The clip starts off with two kids with their face painted like the earth with the text “Why Now” on the picture. Then a chart of the average person’s day is displayed with activities and the percentage of time these activities take up. There is activities listed from sleep to television use. This is really eye opening to see the amount of time useless activities take up. There is then a quote that I found very interesting from Albert Einstein. The quote basically says we cant think the same way we have been thinking to solve our problems because that same thinking has caused these problems. The video then goes on to discuss new systems that will bring forth change. It shows the broken world turning into something great with healthy trees. Different pictures of people helping in the community and doing resourceful things then are displayed. This is giving examples of what we can do for this change. The last thing that the video shows is the question “Why Now” again, and then it says “Because We Can.” The creators of this advertisement is One Community. One Community is an organization that promotes sustainable lifestyles. As explained in their bio, they are dedicated to help the community live the healthiest best life. “One Community is creating open source and free-shared resources and solutions for Highest Good food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. The resources we are creating can be implemented as individual components or complete teacher/demonstration hubs, intentionally purposed to spin-off additional teacher/demonstration hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.” Just as explained in their bio, the goal behind this advertisement is to promote sustainable living by informing on aspects of our daily lives. The values of this organization and the advertisement hold a high standard of living, that not only is a visual but also an urge for a movement towards a certain lifestyle. The point of view in this article is change. The point of view is from seeing issues and how to go about changing these issues. I do not feel their is a point of view omitted from this advertisement. I feel some people may take this positively and negatively. The people who take it positively will see how change is needed and and can impact of lives for the greater good. The people I feel will take it negatively are those who don’t see a reason to change and believe how we are living now will not negatively impact our future. What I take away from this advertisement is the change we can make is positive and the message is also positive in my opinion.

Alexis Waters-Peterson


News Report (Extra Credit)

The article in the news I found was called Sustainable Travel: It’s Not Just About the Environment. This article focuses on programs on tourism impacts that the community faces. The sustainable efforts looks at social and economic impacts as well. One way a sustainable effort is put into place is making sure the money that tourist bring into the community is kept in that community and used for the funds needed. The article says, “travel is the first or second source of export earnings in 20 of the 48 least developed countries, according to the W.T.O., yet a 2013 report from the organization noted that just $5 of every $100 spent in a developing country stayed in that destination.”  Money in tourism is a very important contributor. In March the Jordan Tourism Board created the Meaningful Travel Map of Jordan. This project helps put in place community projects. These community projects are improvement projects. This is why the money that is spent by tourist needs to stay within the community to keep it up in a sense. An example of these projects can be seen Africa. Education is very resourceful when it comes to sustainability.“There’s a lot of people who think ‘eco-tourism’ when they hear ‘sustainable tourism,’ but that’s a piece of the puzzle,” said Kelley Louise. As mentioned in the article, educating the tourist on spending their money locally, such as buying food at local restaurants or shops. This is causing positive impacts on the economy which is correlated with sustainable acts. “Every time you have a meal, get accommodations or do activities, you can have a positive impact just by traveling,” said Paula Vlamings. Small acts that are listed for sustainable efforts include booking hotels that have a connection with charities. This article discussed hotels that give a percentage of what you pay to charities. This really helps the sustainable economic efforts. This improves the connection between the tourist and the place they choose to visit. Looking out for the community as an outside, from what i’ve read in this article, is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy sustainable economy. Also, helping out in the community can bring forth positive change. “Only when you actually get your hands proverbially dirty by rolling up your sleeves and engaging in these projects and initiatives can you really learn and understand the issues and how we can make an impact, however small,” wrote Joss Kent. There is also a project mentioned in this article that allows native people of certain villages to get a chance for schooling. Each visitor pays for a certain schooling and the program sponsors a village citizen for school. This project is under the name village ways. It focuses on the life of the villagers in this large places people visit and tour. This helps the community and the economy. I feel this article is very interesting and informative. It is good to see efforts being made to watch out for the community where travelers go. The village is very important to maintaining the beautiful places people go to travel. Taking care of the people and the community is very important.

Alexis Waters-Peterson


News Report

The article in the news that I found which was on the topic of sustainability is called Famed Walden Pond, which inspired Henry David Thoreau, is being killed by urine. The intended audience for this article is really open to the public to those who watch and or read this news site. Who it may concern is the people who do or plan on visiting Walden Pond in the future. The agenda of this news article is to inform the public of the issues surrounding this natural environment that is affecting not only the beautiful view but also the wildlife in the area, specifically fish. I feel there is no possible bias in this article because these findings are scientific and the are evidence based to be informative. Though there is scientific research to back these findings up I am not completely certain that this is a reliable source. The findings are backed up with research, but this is also a new site that is nothing like a journal article where someone has looked over the work from a scholarly stand point and made sure everything was correct and could be backed up. I like the quote that the article starts off with. The news article states, “If Henry David Thoreau were alive today, he might re-title his most famous work “On Golden Pond.” The issue surrounding the pond is the high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus from what we know now from scientific research is caused by human waste, specifically urine. “More than half of the summer phosphorus budget of the lake may now be attributable to urine released by swimmers,” the study states. This quote from Dr. Jay Curt Stager best summaries what is happening with the lake. “These findings suggest that, although mitigation efforts have curtailed anthropogenic nutrient inputs to Walden Pond, the lake has not returned to the pre-impact condition described by Henry David Thoreau and may become increasingly vulnerable to further changes in water quality in a warmer and possibly wetter future.” The nitrogen and phosphorus are producing algae by speeding up its growth which in turn creates a mass of algae that covers the pond. This mass of algae causes sunlight to be blocked from reaching into this water. This then effects the fish, killing the off because they do no have sunlight. The scientist recommend that swimmers stay out of the lake. Since people are the main contributors to the issue. They recommended that a swimming facility with a pool be built around the pond location. This will allow people to see the wonderful views of Walden Pond but not harm its natural environment. This pool would serve as a swimming area, so contamination could stop, and restoration of the pond can be brought fourth. In my opinion I agree with this article. In class we have talked about Walden and the nature of the pond. I have even read the book, so I feel like I have somewhat of an understanding of protecting this natural environment.

Alexis Waters-Peterson

Speaker Event

The talk I attended was called Race, place, and the de-gentrification of Nature Conservation in the south. The talk I attended was given by Dr. Drew Lanham. He is a professor at Clemson and studies natural wildlife. He studies also include the integration of race in nature. The talk he gave was a derivative of this connection on race in nature conservation in the south. The talk first started off Dr. Drew Lanham playing the song Mercy Mercy Me by Marvin Gaye. I found this to be a successful tactic to get me, as an audience member, engaged and wanting to know the connection between the song and the what the talk is about. The songs lyrical meaning is on the topic of ecology and what the world use to be compared to what it has become. Dr. Drew Lanham explained how this song was interesting because even when it was written, in 1971, it was evident that the world was changing for the worst concerning nature conservation. He then went on to explain how we as people survive and thrive through water. It was explained that we need water to make it through everyday life whether we realize it or not. He asked the question, “what is your water?” What he meant by this question was is the thing you need to survive and thrive every day. He then brings in the topic of race with water by mentioning that we are all connected to water whatever the past may be. Water was and has been the source of life for every race. He states that we must feel our way through this issue of race, “we must work for the wild things, wild place, and water.” He ended his talk with an excerpt from his book that deals with his personal connection to water. He explains the story of remembering his father gathering water from their fresh spring well. After years past his father fell ill and died. He and his mother had to find a new source of water. The pipe they had to put in place to get the water out of had a worst taste and consistency compared to the fresh water his father had gathered from the well all those years. They no longer had access to the main thing that should’ve been provided to them. Instead, he and his mother were left to uses a unnatural source of water. This is the point in his life that he explained him realizing how important water is and its impact of life. The one thing I learned from this talk was the impact that society has on water. I never realized that what we have going on in our society can largely affect the nature surrounding us. To me, nature and societal interactions was two separate ideas. I found his explanation of the two ideas working together very interesting. He ended his talk with a quote I found very important to remember when connecting society to nature. He said, “think about your ties to water and your policy.”

Alexis Waters-Peterson

Personal Change

Blog two: Personal Change

                There are probably many things I could change in my day to day life to live more sustainably. The short amount of time I’ve been in this environmental class, I can’t help but notice the different things I do in routine everyday that has a negative impact on the environment around me. One main thing that sticks out to me is the way I waste water. A good description of this is not being “water wise.” I found this saying in an article I read on how much water we waste daily. The article I came across made me feel better and worse. I was able to see that I’m not alone when it comes to wasting water, but also seeing how much damage it can do in the long run. The main way I waste water is my showering technique. In the dorms sometimes, it takes a minute for the water to get warm. I will let the water run while I am doing other things, like straightening up my room. I usually don’t let it run that long, but it takes around 5 minutes for the water to get to bearable temperature. I never really thought of the amount of wasted water that is until thinking from a sustainable standpoint. This water is being wasted and running back to the water treatment facility or the sewage. Compared to other countries in the world we have one of the best access to clean water, and for me to literally let it go down the drain is not very considerate on my part. Another way I am not “water wise” is throwing away bottles of water that still have water in them. This can also be bad because I don’t recycle the water bottles when I do throw them away. That’s another personal change I could make. When I drink the water out of the bottle I never finish all of it and it ends up sitting on my dresser. When I am thirsty again I want a cold bottle out of the fridge. This repetitive cycle ends up with me having about 5 bottles sitting around with room temperature water that I don’t want to drink. I usually end up throwing these bottles in the trash with the water still in them. I really take water for granted when I think about it. For both scenarios, there are other options that I can utilize. With the shower water, I can try to not run the water for so long. This is easier said than done.  With the bottles, I can be more resourceful and put the unfinished water bottles in the fridge right when I am done with them. Also, I can recycle the bottles! This change should not be that hard and should positively impact my life and the environment. I should be able to keep up this life style being that I am really the only one who controls this. I will be able to limit the amount of wasted water, which might not be a huge difference when we are speaking worldwide but every part counts.

Alexis Waters-Peterson

Environmental Ad

 Alexis Waters-Peterson

I did a blog post on media analysis because I find it very interesting when information is presented in an enjoyable way. This allows the audience to use their imagination to create an explanation of what is being displayed. I choose to further review this advertisement image that depicts sustainability largely. This certain advertisement does not include text or a subtext, I feel its main purpose is to allow the audience to come up with their own interpretation behind what is being shown. This image has a logo of a panda with WWF written under it. This is the company who produced this ad and a conservation organization. WWF stands for World Wildlife Fund, which is an organization that promotes nature and wildlife sustainability. Their mission is to not only to save natural habitats and promote actions to stop global warming, but also to save animals in these habitats that have been affected already. Showing the nature and wildlife devastation that is occurring is what one of the goals of this ad. Another goal is to show nature as the thing that provides life being slowly killed off. The trees are shaped as a pair of lungs, which lungs are known to provide air and sustain life. The deteriorating part of the lungs represent the nature being killed off. Humans need their lungs to provide air to the rest of the body to keep the body’s functions working. The air in the lungs keep the brain working. This is a perfect example of how nature works just like the picture represents. If one part of nature starts being negatively affected the rest of nature’s “body” will start having negative effects. These effects are but not limited to extinction of animals and climate change. The value, I feel, that is represented is keeping up the source of life alive and healthy before it is too late. This relates to a lifestyle that is silently suggested which is maintaining a healthy atmosphere limiting global warming effects. The point of review represented is devastation will eventually take over if we do not find a way to sustain our natural habitat. The questions I had about this image is what exactly has happened to the part of the trees that has been destroyed, and where is the location supposed to be. I want to know, has fires or just global warming caused the trees to die. I found doing a media analysis very interesting due to the room for abstract thought from observing. I really enjoyed being able to come up with my own story as to what is trying to be shared through the image. This media analysis reminded me of the in-class activity we did where we walked around the room observing and writing down what we thought of the multiple pictures around the room. When analysis this image I used some of the methods from class. I wrote down what I noticed in the picture and what it meant to me.