Farmers Market

I volunteer at MUSC on Mondays and Fridays under the 4C Program (Collabortive Care for Children and Families). Some days, depending on how many appointments the practice has scheduled, I just sit in a cubicle doing my homework or making phone calls. If it’s a busier day, I will do a childcare, make copies, run errands, or do a transport (taking patients to and from their appointment). On one of my busier days I was walking to the NCVC (National Crime Victim Center) and I passed by the MUSC library. In the front of the library was a little farmers market. I had a few minutes, so I took a stroll through to see what they had to offer.

Since it’s Spring there were an abundance of Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Carrots, Onions, Spinach and Strawberries. At the time, I didn’t have my wallet on me or I definitely would have bought some apples and strawberries. This farmers market was rather small, but it is a great spot and very centrally located for all of the employees and students of MUSC.

Farmers markets are the best way to buy locally grown fruits and vegetables that are grown healthily and sustainably. In class we watched Food Inc. and discoverd the truths behind the industrial farming industry. First, that it is a very monopolized industry and that we are made to believe that we are offered a lot of variety, when in all honesty all of our food comes from 3 or 4 different industrial farms. We also learned that industrial farms use a lot of pesticides that aren’t particularly good for us and the environment. Buying from a farmers market gives us more of a choice and a say of what goes into our food. Farmers markets also only offer foods that are in season and it is important to try to stick with foods that are in season because they utilize less pesticides to grow and use less fuel to transport to grocery stores. Also they are a great way to fund and encourage local small business farmers.

I wish farmers markets were more common since they are so beneficial to our health and the environment. I believe farmers markets are not as common as they should be because their benefits aren’t really known. I think it is so important for communitys to realize the importance of things like farmers markets as well as eating whole fruits and vegetables. We learned from one of our guest speakers how important fruits and vegetables are for our health for a number of reasons. And farmers markets are a great way for us to incorporate plenty of healthy and sustainable whole fruits and vegetables into our diets. 

3 thoughts on “Farmers Market

  1. I love that you were able to go to the farmers market! However, not everything there may be local (avocados and bananas, for example). Regardless, it’s still a great experience, and much of the produce on sale is likely to be local and in season.

  2. This is great I love going to the farmers market its such a different feel than a regular super market and its an actual experience than just a chore.

  3. Love this and am so happy that the farmers market season is back! You should check out some of the ones they have out on the islands sometime!

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