No Red Meat

At the beginning of this year I told myself that I would stop eating red meat in hopes of being vegetarian once I reach summer. Although I didn’t start immediately I have been more committed to not eating red meat over the past two months. The biggest challenges that I’ve faced so far is realizing how much red meat I actually ate. I didn’t realize it was in almost all of my daily meals. Another thing I’ve realized is how many things at restaurants serve red meat and it has completely changed how I order food in restaurants. I find myself having to opt for the salad or soup instead of a steak meal. At first it was hard to see all of my families and friends eating meat in front of me and me not being able to have any. I loved eating hamburgers, tacos and things like that but having switched to no meat I can’t have any of these. But, I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything anymore because I think after realizing the amount of suffering that these animals go through my conscious doesn’t let me. Although I am still eating chicken and fish occasionally I figured that weening off of meat little by little was the best option because stopping cold turkey (get it?) would be too much all at once. I think that it is really a personal choice that someone has to make and it is hard to stick to but I feel like its the right choice and I’m glad I did it. I’ve also noticed that this has sort of forced me to eat more vegetables and fruits is always a plus since their healthy. Also, I find myself more energetic and I feel healthier. I have more energy throughout the day and not longer need to nap in the middle of the day! This extra time is great because I get so much more stuff done. I didn’t know that this small change in my diet would affect so many other aspects in my life. Recently my friends have noticed this change and have asked me about it, I tell them I’ve been eating healthier and have stopped eating red meat. One of my friends has actually decided to do this as well which is great and I was glad I could influence her into doing so. For anyone that has been considering it and is on the edge of it I would strongly suggest to just try it for a month or so just to see if its for you. Im actually finding myself trying new meals that involve more vegetables and fruits. Its always fun trying new foods and being creative with meals. I am going to stop eating chicken by the end of next month and that will be a whole other challenge but I’m excited to see what happens. My end goal is to be vegan by the end of the year. I know there are some people in class that are vegan so if you guys have any comments or suggestions I would love to hear them !

5 thoughts on “No Red Meat

  1. I am one of those people that’s afraid to quit cold turkey (love the joke!). But, slowly I’m starting to realize that I think I’m going to do something similar and ween myself off it, little by little. Fish is one of those things that I don’t think I could ever not eat I just love fresh seafood too much. I grew up eating freshly caught fish. Something about doing that makes me sad to think about…But, I do agree that it’s one own choice and a big choice at that. I’m lactose intolerant and going to restaurants is so frustrating at times especially when every plate consists of cheese and of course when I order it with no cheese the dish just doesn’t taste as good! I think restaurants need to start offering more options for everyone whether gluten free, dairy free, vegan and such. I almost feel like an inconvenience for them.

  2. red meat quitters club. I love red meat but I quit it because of the health benefits and then I watched some scarring videos about cattle treatment and I saw a beef farm and it horrified me. I hope to cut chicken and fish out of my diet soon because I want to be a vegetarian, but I’m okay with not being vegan because cheese is life.

  3. A lot of people think it’s easier to cut out everything at once, but I found it was easier to wean myself off of meat a little at a time! First red meat, then deli meats, then chicken, and I’m currently just eating pescatarian! Do it at your own pace, don’t be discouraged by other people.

  4. I think this is awesome! I have been seriously thinking about going vegetarian for a while now. However, I am an extremely picky eater so I may find it a little harder than normal. But I have been eatings more fruits and veggies before meals as a way to reduce the amount of sugary or fattening food and meat I eat. By doing this I have also noticed a difference in how my body feels. I no longer feel gross when I am full from a meal. It’s great. So this post is really encouraging me even more to go vegetarian as I am a huge animal lover as well and don’t want to contribute to the abuse they endure.

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