Not Just Water

The text is “Not just water” and the subtext would be more about what is in the water and how we, the people, are contaminating water and how it is affecting society (baby bottle) and the severity of the issue. I found this image on Pinterest and I do not have anymore information from where the image was taken from, but I believe their goal was to make people really think and see this image emotionally and see that pollution is a real issue. I also believe this poster may have a correlation with the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis of 2014. Where because of the river water corroded city pipes, the pipes leached lead into drinking water and almost a 100,000 people were potentially affected by the contamination. The motherly point of view is portrayed in this poster to pull on heart strings and draw towards an ethical point of view. The value of life is demonstrated, and a common lifestyle of using regular drinking water to add to formula for bottles. I found this image to be extremely powerful and eye-catching.

Link to picture:
“Ads & Publicity.” Pinterest,

5 thoughts on “Not Just Water

  1. WOW…that image speaks a thousand words. I would agree that it has a correlation with the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis of 2014 as well. Thank you for sharing that image. Would it be wrong of me to say that it’s a beautiful image? The most powerful image I’ve seen in a longtime, that has left me speechless and yet thinking.

  2. I love the way this image tells a whole story. I also agree this picture correlates to Flint. I find it cool that we don’t always need words to describe situations, sometimes a picture can speak for us.

  3. I really like the photo you shared, it reminds me of one of the images we saw during the gallery walk earlier in the semester. Its awesome seeing thought provoking art, I really enjoy that style.

  4. This is a really captivating image that encourages many different assumptions, I’m sure. I like that you decided to share it with the class because I think that Environmental Advertising is a good way to spread a mass amount of awareness since people generally use social media in their daily lives. I only wish there was more of a correlation between the advertisement and what it is referring to, I feel like “Not Just Water” is too vague and wouldn’t resonate as well as a call-to-action or a story/message included within the advertisement. It’s still very alarming and a good discussion piece

  5. I think this image is awesome. It perfectly enraptures the Flint Michigan water crisis. However, it is also important to note that there is an extreme global water crisis. Many people don’t think about how hard it may be for some around the world to get access to clean water. For most of us, we can get access to clean water within a few minutes. For others around the globe, they may have to travel miles to get clean food. It’s unfortunate but there are many nonprofit organizations (NGO’s) such as WaterMissions that aim at providing as many people as possible with access to clean water.

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