Microplastics In The Air
Microplastics have been a big issue for a while, we know that it ends up in the sea, and even the marine species who live there but now its traveling through the air as well.
What: Scientists discover large amounts of tiny plastic particles falling out of the air in a remote mountain location.
- This is really important because it is the first time microplastics have been discovered on a mountain top
- There aren’t many people in this region, which suggests the particles were transported by wind, through the air, from more populated areas at least 59 miles away
- The area is considered pristine wilderness but the team found an average of 365 pieces of plastic per square metre, suggesting that people are probably breathing in toxic particles even in fresh mountain air.
- Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic waste. Their presence in oceans and waterways has received a great deal of scientific and media attention in recent years. However, not only are they in the oceans but they travel in our air too.
- Researchers spent five months collecting samples from 4,600 ft above sea level in the Pyrenees mountain range which forms a natural border between France and Spain.
France’s Pyrenees Mountains
Published Monday April 15th
National Geographic article was written by Stephen Leahy
Scientist that published this study where
- Steve Allen,
- Deonie Allen,
- Vernon R. Phoenix,
- Gaël Le Roux,
- Pilar Durántez Jiménez,
- Anaëlle Simonneau,
- Stéphane Binet
- Didier Galop
Study called: Atmospheric Transport and deposition of microplastics in a remote mountain catchment.
- Because microplastics can be the next atmospheric pollutant.
- Researchers say Pieces of plastic small enough to sail into the atmosphere can be virtually impossible to clean up, suggesting the only viable solution is to produce less in the first place.
Impact of the event or finding/ relevance to society:
- People are exposed to microplastics through food and air and these findings raise some worrying questions. Additionally, there needs to be a better way to approach single use plastic.
Relevance to the course:
- This is related to the course, because this has to do with the environment. Even though we do not know the overall health impacts of microplastics on humans, we do know that it is a toxin and a pollutant. This raises a lot of worrying questions for us and for the future of our planet.
- Researchers say Pieces of plastic small enough to sail into the atmosphere can be virtually impossible to clean up, suggesting the only viable solution is to produce less in the first place.
Any permanent questions raised by the story
- What are the health impacts of inhaling these microplastics?
- This raises questions on how often we need to purify our air?
- Is living in cities healthy ?