News Report



  1. Title of my news report and article:
    1. “Dead whale washed up in Philippines had 40kg of plastic bags in its stomach”
      1. Found on The Guardian
      2. Written by Hannah Ellis-Petersen
    2. My citation for this new report: Ellis-Petersen, Hannah. “Dead Whale Washed up in Philippines Had 40kg of Plastic Bags in Its Stomach.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 18 Mar. 2019,
    3. Direct link to my article:
    4. The 5 W’s and how:
      1. What/who A dead beached juvenile male curvier beaked whale.
      2. Why:This whale died from gastric shock, caused by 88 pounds of plastic in its stomach.
      3. When: March 16th2019
      4. Where: The Philippines
      5. How: A result of single use plastics ending up in our water ways and oceans.
    5. Impacts
      1. Environmentally: It displays how much damage humans have really caused to the planet and how we are effecting the other species on it. How we are ruining the homes of other species and killing them in their own habitats because of our neglect.
      2. Economically: This shows that we are so stuck on using these cheap plastics to fuel our economy that we can not make a change, because of the effects it could have on the wallets of the world.
      3. Socially: This socially shows us how neglectful and terrible we are as a human race. We are killing other creatures because of our want to have plastics. Which is a horrible way to live, we lived without them before people just do not care enough to switch back to non plastics.
    6. Relevance to our class:
      1. This is relevant to out class because, I have learned so many alternate methods to plastics. And though this class I believe I have gained the ability to help teach other how to move to a more sustainable life style, which also informing them of what their neglectful lifestyle is doing to our planet. And, lastly in this class we have talked a lot about environmental justice and how we can always band together and stand up and give the animals were killing a voice.
    7. Questions:
      1. How could we as a species see our plant getting this polluted and still not as a whole want to save it?
      2. How is other marine life fairing because of plastic pollution?


For my second blog post, I decided to go to an event. The event I went to was “Unlearning and healing from Racism”. The event was mostly as the name shows, understanding and learning about racism. A quick description of the event is as follows: Upon arriving, we did a quick ice breaker. Talking to the people around us and telling them facts about ourselves that you would not guess by looking at me. After we spoke with the people around us, we were shown two videos, which had interesting meanings. After this, we were split up by race, taking POC and putting them in one room and non POC in another room. We discussed that later this was to help make POC and non POC of color to talk and not have to worry about how it would affect the other. (But, in the end the two groups did meet back up and discuss). During the split, we then watched another video. The next activity we did was really interesting, and I did enjoy it, there were three sections on the floor: red (uncomfortable), yellow (semi) and green (very). And, we were asked questions and had to gage how comfortable we were with the topic and how comfortable we were on speaking about the topic as well. I enjoyed the activity and the way it was set up, letting the induvial really reflect how comfortable they are, with pretty complex racial issues and topics. It was a good way to gage the room and the level of comfort among the people, but a key point of the night was the we were supposed to feel discomfort. The more group-based discussion happened after this activity, actually turning the whole room into a circle and having really in-depth discussion about topics that were prewritten for starters. Getting to listen to other peoples and opinions about the questions, and how certain things should be handled, especially situations that I was always unsure of. A topic that was discussed during the event that really has stuck with me, is the idea of holding space instead of taking up space. Instead of talking and trying to lead things, we should just listen and hold the space we have instead of being active in it. It was a powerful thing to learn, but not as powerful as hearing the questions that the POC students had written for the non POC students to listen to and reflect on. I can definitely understand how this event can relate to our first course student learning outcome. The relation between environment studies and the impacts of racism, either it be how the government does not want to help the poorer communities during disaster times. Or how the epa who, is supposed to be unbiased rather help richer neighborhoods where more tax dollars come from, compared to poorer neighborhoods, who really need the support and help do not get it. It is an act of environmental racism essentially.  So, though this program I really got a better understanding as how to handle certain situations as a non POC. It was really eye opening and I highly recommend anyone to go if there is ever another event like this.

Connecting with nature

I have always felt connected to the natural world. A connection that is really deep and has really been a huge factor into shaping who I am and who I want to be. My connection with nature has always been there, drawing back on my first memories of being a child and enjoying the outdoors at the farm of my grandmother. Another keystone in my connection to nature would be my binge watching of animal planet as a child. Getting to see the natural wonders of the world has really solidified my thoughts for the future, and my plans to work in wildlife biology and conservation. With getting the opportunity to work in conservation   I feel as though I’m helping the next few generations have the opportunity to be connected to nature like I was. Hoping that maybe they can have their lives changed for the better though the power of nature and the way we can connect to it. I feel like a connection to the natural world is very important because it is the root of all we are and all we have. A connection to where we come from, a connection to the soil that grows our food, to the air that blows our windmills for air power, the raging rivers that contain so much life.

Deciding to do the option of sitting among nature and soaking it all in. I decided to go and sit in the Cistern among the Oak trees. Upon arriving to the Cistern, I picked a spot in the grass to do my becoming one with nature time. Sitting down on the grass, the first thing I do is extend my hands into the grass and really take it in. Admiring how the warm sun also felt on my skin and how I could feel its warm soaking into my skin. After sitting and just taking in the sun, I look up at the Oak trees and have to admire them. Thinking about all of the years and storms they have weathered, yet how they stand so powerful. Upon further inspection of these trees, you can see that these trees have a certain type of green foliage on them. This plant is known as resection fern and it gets its name through the way it survives times without water. In times without water the fern shrives up and appearing like the plant has died. But if you pay attention to this same plant after rain it perks back up to its beautiful green and springy fashion. Looking at the tops of trees, I could hear scurrying which got my attention to see squirrels chasing each other around, scurrying up the trees at extreme speeds. Looking up at the tops of the trees made my eyes wonder up to the sky itself, a blue sky full of clouds. Going back to my childhood and sitting at recess making shapes out of the clouds with my friends just enjoying being outdoors. Thinking back on the aspects of people in the outdoors, I shift my gaze upon the other students enjoying their time there. Throwing toys to their dogs, students walking to class though the grass and among the trees. It really gave me an insight on just how much we are walking among nature and made me think if sometimes we could just take a break from our busy lives and just sat among the grass and trees. And, how though that we could really reignite the deep connection we should have with mother earth around us.