The documentary I chose to review is “Before the Flood”. This film features the famous actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, going on a journey to see how climate change is affecting different areas all over the world. Leonardo was nominated by the United Nations to be the Messenger of Peace, a position where he would be able to fly to many different countries and speak to their government officials about how climate change is affecting them.
Throughout the film, Leonardo went to many different places, including Canada, the Arctic Circle, Miami, Florida, China, India and back to Washington D.C to conclude with an interview with Barack Obama. While on this journey, he was able to first hand see how bad climate change already was in these areas. When in Canada, the film showed oil sands and how hot air is literally being pumped into the ground in order to extract the oil from the sand. In the Arctic, it was shown that in just five years over 30 feet of ice had melted. In China and India, overpopulation and poverty were such extreme issues and over 300 million people were living without power. However, he was able to expand on how China is making an effort to switch over to solar and wind power. Leonardo and the filmmaker’s agenda was not only to show the devastating affects of climate change, but also to promote to the viewers how to help prevent them.
It is so important that our generation step up and confront climate change as a real issue. The film showed that there are still so many people in the United States government that are climate change deniers, and work so that no bills get passed to put policies in place to combat this issue. A lot of these deniers are also paid out by big oil, which is an extremely corrupt issue and needs to be stopped. In the end, Leonardo spoke in front of the United Nations and reported on all of the things he had seen while traveling the world. He reported that his overall view was very negative, and it was up to each and every individual to return to their country and try to change their ways for the better of the world. it is a tough thing to ask of everyone to do, but it is so important that we band together and help the one place we all live. The Paris Climate Agreement was signed before this film came out, so Leonardo did report on how great this accomplishment was. He still posed the question, will all these countries really uphold what they agreed to?
The overall message of the film was to show that climate change is not an if; it is already happening all over the world in numerous ways. The United States is not a leading example of how to combat climate change, and he speaks out to say that we as a nation need to become more aware. This message is extremely powerful and to me does not have any bias. It is hard to be bias about helping the planet, it is a place that everyone lives and the one thing that as a species we can aim to protect.