News Report



  1. Title of my news report and article:
    1. “Dead whale washed up in Philippines had 40kg of plastic bags in its stomach”
      1. Found on The Guardian
      2. Written by Hannah Ellis-Petersen
    2. My citation for this new report: Ellis-Petersen, Hannah. “Dead Whale Washed up in Philippines Had 40kg of Plastic Bags in Its Stomach.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 18 Mar. 2019,
    3. Direct link to my article:
    4. The 5 W’s and how:
      1. What/who A dead beached juvenile male curvier beaked whale.
      2. Why:This whale died from gastric shock, caused by 88 pounds of plastic in its stomach.
      3. When: March 16th2019
      4. Where: The Philippines
      5. How: A result of single use plastics ending up in our water ways and oceans.
    5. Impacts
      1. Environmentally: It displays how much damage humans have really caused to the planet and how we are effecting the other species on it. How we are ruining the homes of other species and killing them in their own habitats because of our neglect.
      2. Economically: This shows that we are so stuck on using these cheap plastics to fuel our economy that we can not make a change, because of the effects it could have on the wallets of the world.
      3. Socially: This socially shows us how neglectful and terrible we are as a human race. We are killing other creatures because of our want to have plastics. Which is a horrible way to live, we lived without them before people just do not care enough to switch back to non plastics.
    6. Relevance to our class:
      1. This is relevant to out class because, I have learned so many alternate methods to plastics. And though this class I believe I have gained the ability to help teach other how to move to a more sustainable life style, which also informing them of what their neglectful lifestyle is doing to our planet. And, lastly in this class we have talked a lot about environmental justice and how we can always band together and stand up and give the animals were killing a voice.
    7. Questions:
      1. How could we as a species see our plant getting this polluted and still not as a whole want to save it?
      2. How is other marine life fairing because of plastic pollution?

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