Nature Inspiration

In terms of my connection to nature, I would say that I am very connected and nature has always made me feel more in tune with myself. Nature provides us with so much including food, water, and shelter. But to me and many others, nature provides us with a special connection in which I feel so deeply connected to not only myself but more with the world. I feel like it is very important to maintain a relationship with the natural world because in today’s day and age, it is easy to never have to spend time outdoors or engage in activities involving nature. But without interaction with the natural world and putting myself in areas less connected with urban society, I would not be nearly as sane as I am with it. I have been a competitive sailor starting from the age of six, so this sport allowed me at such a young age to be used to always being out in the ocean engaged in nature. This has allowed me to build a relationship with the natural world in doing something that I love which I think it very important. Also weather it is kitesurfing or just surfing which is what I spend all my free time doing, waves and wind allow me to disconnect with everything on land and I feel like nothing matters when I am out there doing what I love. That is my favorite part about being connected to the natural world is having an escape where the chaos of life stops for a moment and I feel so in tune with just being in the moment and appreciating it. Personally, I feel like nature has that special, power to allow one to find peace within themselves and let go of irrelevant worries. My favorite remedy in the world is salt water therapy. When I am stressed, having a really bad day, or just super out of it and in need for a pick me up, I always feel so much better after getting in the ocean, even if it’s super cold water! This is something that I have always felt so at this point I can’t see myself ever living far from the ocean! Another aspect that has brought me to admire nature has been my ability to travel all over the world and see all that our beautiful world has to offer. From all over the US, to Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Italy, New Zealand, and places in South and Central America, I have been given the opportunity to experience what nature can be like all over the world and this only widens by appreciation for it. From snowy mountains to the prettiest beaches I have ever seen, nature continues to inspire me each day to get out and live my best life.


After doing the little exercise of leaving my phone and going outside to my backyard and just being still and in the moment with nature, I immediately feel more calm and in a way happy. I recognize nature’s ability to alleviate stress and calm nerves by just letting things be and taking in the little things. Nature is also very humbling in the way that it is all at the same time so beautiful but so powerful and destructive. Another philosophy that I also like to follow is when I can, not wearing shoes and just getting dirty. I know this might sound a bit strange but for some reason when I get my feet dirty and am feeling the ground either grass or sand it always makes me feel a little better.

So I would like to note how nature has changed my life and still is for the better. As I continue to travel more places and do more things I know that my connection with nature is only going to continue! I encourage everyone to do the same, unplug, outside and see how nature can better you!


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