Like always, feel free to discuss anything in The Sun Also Rises that particularly interested you. But here are some prompts to get you started thinking:
- Discuss the two epigraphs, one from Stein and one from Ecclesiastes. How do these either work together or contradict one another? How are they related to issues that will arrive in the novel?
- Why begin the novel with Cohn? What’s Cohn’s significance as we progress? Does his depiction seem anti-Semitic to you? If so, do you think Hemingway is participating in the anti-Semiticism or do you think he is condemning the anti-Semiticism displayed by his characters?
- Discuss Jake’s war injury and its significance in the book
- What do you think of the Lady Brett Ashley? Do you think she can be viewed as an example of the “New Woman,” a much-discussed phenomenon of the late 19th and early 20th century? Does the scant information we find out about her background influence your view of her?
- Choose a particular scene and analyze it closely—this could be, for instance, the scene in which Frances and Cohn quarrel at the cafe in front of Jake, the fishing scene in Burguete, a particular incident from the Fiesta in Pamplona, the ending in the taxicab, etc.
- What, if anything, seems valued in the book to you? We see characters traveling, drinking heavily, quarreling over sex and jealousies, behaving badly in foreign countries, etc. Is there any moral center to the novel?
- Discuss Pedro Romero and his role in the novel