Required work for the course includes careful reading of all assigned material and active participation in class discussions. Please come to class prepared with questions and comments about the assigned reading for each day–the success of the course depends on your involvement.
Papers, Presentations: Early in the semester, you will choose (or be assigned) one of the books on the syllabus to research. Your annotated bibliography and class presentation will revolve around this text. The annotated bibliography will be due on the last class day we discuss your book, and you will present your research findings to the class that day as well. You will also write a final paper for the course that synthesizes the material you learned during the semester.
Discussion Leader Papers: For each day that we discuss a book and don’t have research presentations, 3-4 students will serve as discussion leaders. Each student will serve as a discussion leader twice during the semester. On your discussion leader days, you will turn in a short paper that details your response to the reading and raises 3 questions for the class to consider.
Exams: There will be a mid-term and a final exam. Each exam will include objective questions, short answer questions, and an essay component.
Note: You can find specific, detailed assignment sheets for each paper on the class website. I will post exam previews with information about the exams well before they’re scheduled.
Your final grade will be determined according to these percentages:
10% Participation; Class Citizenship
10% Discussion Leader Papers
15% Annotated Bibliography
10% Presentation
15% Final Paper
20% Mid-Term Exam
20% Final Exam
Letter grades assigned will have the following numerical values:
- A+/98 B+/88 C+/78 D+/68
- A /95 B /85 C /75 D /65
- A- /92 B- /82 C- /72 D- /62
F = 50 Paper not turned in = 0
Regular attendance and participation are requirements to pass the course. I understand that sometimes you may become ill or have to miss class for some other reason. If that’s the case, it’s your responsibility to make up any missed work. But please remember that excessive absences will seriously harm your grade. For each absence over 3, I will subtract 3 points from your final course grade. If you become seriously ill or have some other kind of emergency, please let me know and we’ll discuss your specific circumstances.
Late Papers
Late discussion leader papers are not accepted. Other late papers will be penalized five points for each day or fraction of a day they are late. Your presentation must be given on the scheduled date. If you’re not prepared on your scheduled day, you will receive a zero for this assignment.
Academic Integrity
All work submitted must be your own. Incorporating others’ words or ideas in your own work without proper acknowledgment, or any other form of academic dishonesty, including the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI), including ChatGPT and similar automated writing tools, even when properly cited, will be considered plagiarism and a violation of the CofC Honor Code.