Category: Uncategorized

Digital Life in the Nonprofit Arts World

Long-time Aikenite DeeDee Vaughters, executive director of the Aiken Symphony Orchestra, holds the weight of the local, up-and-coming organization inside of her petite, white-walled office downtown. Her bulky, outdated laptop sits on her wooden desk, along with a condensating bottle of Diet Coke, while she casually talks on the phone with somebody important about donations,…Continue Reading Digital Life in the Nonprofit Arts World

The Secret Life of the Charleston Data Science Major

Digital literacy is a skill that a lot of people from different backgrounds use every day. Whether you are a teenager connecting with friends on social media or a middle-aged businessman sending emails to colleagues, most people have had a digital experience of some sort before, even if they aren’t computer experts. Despite the fact…Continue Reading The Secret Life of the Charleston Data Science Major