Vincent Van Gogh

Swirling flurries of blue and green

Take over the night sky

Occasionally pierced here and there

By bright shining orbs

Stars and moon alike.


A dark protruding figure

Draws your attention,

A cypress tree which seems to reach for the heavens.


Shining bright in the corner

The crescent moon seems to never sleep

Illuminating everything in its path

A small village

Roofs shining in the wake of the moon.


At the center of this village

Is a church spire

Also seeming to reach for the heavens

But it never seems to be able to reach as far as the cypress tree.


I chose to write a poem over Vincent Van Gogh’s “The Starry Night.” I chose this artwork as the subject of my poem because it is one of my favorite paintings. I was inspired by William Carlos Williams’ poem, “Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus.” In this poem he utilizes short stanzas as well as short lines and minimal punctuation. I also decided to utilize these elements because I enjoyed how it made his poem sound and how it came across. I would say in my poem I mainly described certain elements in the painting and how they made me feel or how they came across to me when I viewed this painting. While writing this poem I looked up the various elements in the painting and what they could possibly symbolize and added these elements into my poem. I mainly focused on the piece of artwork itself rather than the artist in my poem. I really enjoyed writing this poem and had fun doing so.



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