Modern Adaptation of Kafka’s “The Hunger Artist”

      Frank Kafka’s “The Hunger Artist” is an incredibly unique short story that I think is worth adapting into a short film for a modern audience. There have been other adaptations, such as Tom Gibbons’ 2002 Claymation film. While Gibbons’ film is an amazing piece of art in its own right, I think it would be worth seeing how this story could be further changed to relate with modern audiences more.

          If I were to adapt this story into a short film, I would set it in present day, strengthening the connection to modern audiences who are going to watch it. I think the hunger artist himself should begin his career working in an art museum. I think of what the hunger artist is doing as performance art. I think it would be interesting to begin the film with the hunger artist moving from different contemporary museums to showcase his art (fasting). After a montage of the artist going to different museums, I want it to focus on one particular museum, preferably one in the United States. In this museum, his act will be showcased in one large room. The room will have light wood floors and white walls, almost sterile looking. In the middle of the room, the hunger artist will sit on a stool, next to him will be his clock and chart to keep track of the days.

          One important shot in this scene will be from the hunger artist’s point of view. It will slowly pan around the room to the concerned, but almost bored, looking faces of the crowd. I also want many of the shots in this film to be from above, giving the sense that we are watching the hunger artist like voyeurs. I think the distance these shots give will increase the feeling of isolation the hunger artist is feeling.

           After attendance to his exhibit in the museum start to dwindle, he will go on to work at a zoo, where he performs as a hunger artist with the other animals around him. He will stay working at the zoo until he begins to blend in with the other animals and is slowly forgotten about. The film will end similarly to the story, with a zookeeper finding him in the cage and asking him if he is still fasting.

         One big change I want to make to the story besides setting it in present day, is removing the manager character. I want this version to focus more on the hunger artist’s struggles as an independent artist, since I think a lot of younger people, especially young artists, can relate to. I also want music to be a large part of the story telling. I want the music to be anxiety inducing and cause the audience to feel uncomfortable. I want the music to shadow the artist’s pain throughout the story. However, I want there to be moments when there isn’t music, such as close up frames on the hunger artist’s face. I think moments like this will cause the audience to sit with the feelings of the hunger artist and will make the film more impactful. I think it could be very interesting to witness how this story could be further adapted and see how modern audiences react.

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