Picking Flowers

by Julia Deicicchi

There they sit in their matching dresses

Pink for the brunette, blue for the blonde

Their long wavy hair pulled back 

Free from all of their stresses


What a lovely day to pick some flowers

Who shall they give them to?

“In the Meadow” by Auguste Renoir

What kind are they?

I hope April doesn’t bring any showers


Tall trees line the meadow so green

The skies so blue, with few clouds in sight

Friendship and flowers fill the air

The natural ambiance brings light to the scene


The girls in the meadow, what a sunny day

Being together is such a joy

Every blonde girl needs a brunette best friend

That is very true, I must say


I found this painting online, and it caught my attention. It was simple, yet beautiful. I definitely focused more on the art, as I knew nothing about the artist, and I didn’t purposefully try and emulate a specific poet. I wrote what I saw and some of my initial thoughts after analyzing the poem. I tried to create some sort of rhyme scheme, but poetry is not my forte. I chose words that were descriptive and naturalistic to highlight the sunny and nature filled painting. I tried to be objective, stating what I saw, but I also certainly added in my own descriptive words or thoughts to add more emotion to the poem. Moreover, I wanted  to create a lighthearted and simplistic poem, because that is what I felt from looking at the painting. I love the simplicity of this painting because sometimes it is nice to not have to find a deeper meaning, rather just appreciate the talent in the artwork. 

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One Response to Picking Flowers

  1. martinsonhr says:

    Hi Julia,

    I love your poem. I think you do a great job at describing the art and adding more to it. The questions incorporated in your poem allow the reader to think outside the box in regard to the painting. It makes me wonder what is actually happening in this piece of art? Great job!

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