Moments of Perfection – Ekphrastic Poem

                                                        Moments of Perfection

                                                          By: Caroline Schieck

She stands dazzling in the sunlight,

In the mindset of the street 

Everything was perfect, head to toe.

Her beauty instantly blurs the city, 

Her presence alarms others without even trying. 

Perfection was her only thought .

Her eyes widen through her dimmed sunglasses,

She instantly froze at the image in front of her .

Flashy and bright, the window attracts from inside out

How can something be so perfect ? 

Disregarding her duties she drops her arms free, 

Her heart trembles while her body stays still.

Unable to find the words,

A smile comes off her face.

She walks away consumed 

Though everything else is still frozen.


Poem Explanation: 

I based my poem off of a picture taken from the movie, Breakfast At Tiffanys. Audrey Hepburn is the main focus of this photograph and I wanted to express how she feels personally, while also conveying the impact she makes on others. I explained the piece by creating a picture for the reader. I wanted them to feel like they were experiencing this moment by embracing imagery through emotions and senses. Each line is strategically cut at a certain point. Every line possesses their own thought, emotion and feeling. I purposely used words like, “dazzling”, “Perfection” and “Flashy and bright” to describe the overall image without actually revealing the photo . This image takes place in the midst of a busy city, therefore I thought the best way to make Audrey stand out is to incorporate a “blurring” component. I focused on using her beauty as a way to dim the background. Overall, I did not emulate a specific poem or poet, I rather took the language from past poems I have read and composed it into my own explanation of this picture. 


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