BioShock, made by 2K Games and released in 2007, follows a complex storyline and introduces the idea of individual choices in gameplay involving both the influences the player, supposedly, has in the story and the game mechanics … Continue reading
Category Archives: Generative AI and Writing
Chat-GPT on The Hunger Games: A Social Commentary
Growing up, I loved reading dystopian novels and watching their film adaptions, my favorite easily being The Hunger Games. If I had to guess, I would say that I’ve seen the movies probably 15 times, … Continue reading
What does ChatGPT know about Fast Fashion?
At my high school, seniors had to present a research project on any topic of their choosing. For my presentation, I decided to focus on the global impacts of the fast fashion industry, and I studied everything about the topic … Continue reading
Last night, I was debating one of my suitemates about whether Lebron James or Michael Jordan was the best player toever play basketball, and it prompted me to ask Chat GPT about the 2016 NBA finals. This is because it … Continue reading
ChatGPT and Conversation; Can it really keep up?
For the last couple of years, generative AI has been slowly becoming more prominent in everyday life. Their usage ranges from writing entire essays to answering simple questions. Some people even believe that generative AI can even be used instead … Continue reading