Monthly Archives: November 2023
Should the use of the word ‘ghetto’ be socially acceptable or eliminated from our vocabulary as a whole?
Think about the word ‘ghetto’ and how you would define it or use it in a sentence. The terms meaning and the context in which it is used has drastically changed since its origination. The word was introduced in 1516 … Continue reading
Blog Post
Lauren DeMarser Professor Peeples Intro into Academic Writing 11/8/23 Blog Post 2 Should younger generations be aware of gender pronouns? The reasoning behind why pronouns are controversial is because people believe there only to be two genders which makes … Continue reading
Blog 2
Should We Be Addressing Women as “Females”? By: Alonjé Hamilton Language is a powerful tool that we use every day to sufficiently communicate with each other. The way we choose to communicate through language signifies how we relate to … Continue reading
Should the Oxford Comma Command our Punctuation Precision?
The Oxford Comma, or serial comma, is used before the final conjunction in a list of items. An example being “I have a dog, a cat, and a turtle.” The Oxford comma is the second comma in the phrase, coming … Continue reading
Should Pregnant “Women” be called Pregnant “People”?
In the year 2023, we have come to be surrounded by many nuanced terms and ideas regarding gender and identity. One very specific change that people are trying to adopt is instead of using the female gender to ascribe to … Continue reading
Should we use the phrase “pregnant people” in order to include all different people who want to carry a baby?
Using the term “pregnant people” has been created to be more open towards all different genders who hope to carry and care for their own infants. While some whole heartily agree with this movement, others argue it denounces and belittles … Continue reading
Should We Use the Term “Pregnant People”?
By Holly Novak When you look up the word pregnancy, a photo of a woman comes up. When you think about someone who is pregnant, you would most likely refer to them as a mother or a pregnant woman. But … Continue reading
Should We Encourage Accent Reduction?
There is a debate in professional culture on whether or not we should encourage English speakers with non-standard accents to seek accent reduction. There are courses and speech coaches that teach workers how to neutralize their native or regional accents. … Continue reading
Should We Use They/Them Pronouns?
Times are changing as newer generations slowly but surely dominate popular culture, trends, and slang. Along with new vocabulary, there has been an increase in popularity regarding pronoun usage and pronouns that deviate from the “standard” she/her … Continue reading
Should Latinx be the gender-neutral pronoun?
The use of Latinx as the term for a gender-neutral person of Latin American origin has been controversial for many reasons. Firstly, it is believed to mainly apply to English speakers, specifically American, because it does not use the Spanish … Continue reading