Teaching the Works of Eudora Welty

Teaching the Works of Eudora Welty: Twenty-first Century Approaches

Edited by Mae Miller Claxton and Julia Eichelberger

Forthcoming from University Press of Mississippi (Winter 2017-18)

This collection of thirty-one original essays will be the first book focused solely on aiding instructors who teach Welty’s works. As well-known as Welty is, most instructors are likely to have taught only one or two of her short stories. Our contributors discuss how they teach Welty in a wide variety of teaching situations– specialized literature courses, first-year writing, creative writing, medical humanities, literary theory, and more. Each essay offers practical advice for classroom instruction, while also furthering the critical conversation on Welty’s oeuvre. We have learned a great deal from working on this book, and we’re looking forward to sharing our knowledge with more readers.