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5 Tips for a Successful Semester

Posted by: murphys2 | August 21, 2019 | No Comment |

5 Tips for a Successful Semester graphicIt’s an exciting time of year! Campus is bustling, Weeks of Welcome is underway, and classes have resumed – but don’t stress!

Dr. Anne Gutshall, chair of the department of teacher education, and Dr. Wes Dudgeon, chair of the department of health and human performance, have provided five pieces of advice for you to have a successful semester.

1. Go to class. No matter how tired you may be. Research has shown that attending class increases your odds of earning a higher grade.

2. Build relationships with your professors. Drop in during office hours. Share your insights and experiences in class and/or through your class assignments. This will not only help you in class but will be valuable as you seek recommendation letters or career advice. The College of Charleston has highly esteemed, well-connected faculty members, so take advantage.

3. Catch those ZZZs. Getting your sleep schedule school ready will help you perform your best. Adults age 18-25 need 8-9 hours of sleep each night for optimal learning and memory. Sleep is also essential for mood stability and weight control.

4. Get involved. There are numerous clubs, athletic events, campus recreation activities, and research opportunities you can pursue that will enhance your college experience.

5. Enjoy the journey. Learning is a gift to deeply delve into gaining new knowledge and growing new skills. Put your focus on what you have learned and decrease your focus on how to get the best grade. Put yourself in the best space for taking full advantage of your education.

Go get the bread, Cougars!

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