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Alumni Spotlight: Shelby Sims ’17

Posted by: murphys2 | June 18, 2019 | No Comment |

Shelby teaches child development at Pepperhill Elementary School. She loves getting to know her students and introduce them to school for the first time. The best part of her job is keeping her students excited and watching their curiosity grow as they become more independent. Shelby’s advice to current undergraduates is to make the most of your clinical experience by asking your cooperating teacher questions and trying new things.

Shelby is also involved with the community through her role on the Executive Board of Charleston Hope, a local education non-profit organization. Shelby started her involvement with Charleston Hope during her freshman year at CofC.

“Charleston Hope is such an incredible organization and one of the reasons I am passionate about it is because of their intentionality in everything they do. Each program, such as the Classroom Mentorship Program, partners WITH the teachers, asking what they need, what the students need, and what the school needs. It is a true partnership, working every day to empower the students and help them thrive in their school.”

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